On my Droid I cannot get WiFi and Bluetooth to work together.
They can both be turned on at the same time but if I am using one of them the other will not work. I was connected to my Bluetooth headset (LG 210) and tried to connect to my home network. Once connected the Droid unpaired with headset and would not reconnect. I then turned off WiFi and it connected without a problem.
At first I thought it might just be the headset and thought nothing of it. Then I heard someone talk about how they stream over WiFi pandora and have it stream to their Bluetooth speakers. So I connected the Droid to my desktop via Bluetooth and tried to connect to the home network. The Droid would not connect to the network. It kept on saying it would out of range. So I turned off Bluetooth and it connected just fine to the network. I then tried to connect to my desktop via Bluetooth again but it would not. I even tried using the Bluetooth file transfer app and it told me the host could not be found. After turning WiFi off it connected without a problem.
I did not have that many apps on my phone when I found out about this (with the BT headset). In fact I do not think I had any installed from the market place. Besides stock ones.
I am running Android 2.0.1.
Thank you for any help.
On my Droid I cannot get WiFi and Bluetooth to work together.
They can both be turned on at the same time but if I am using one of them the other will not work. I was connected to my Bluetooth headset (LG 210) and tried to connect to my home network. Once connected the Droid unpaired with headset and would not reconnect. I then turned off WiFi and it connected without a problem.
At first I thought it might just be the headset and thought nothing of it. Then I heard someone talk about how they stream over WiFi pandora and have it stream to their Bluetooth speakers. So I connected the Droid to my desktop via Bluetooth and tried to connect to the home network. The Droid would not connect to the network. It kept on saying it would out of range. So I turned off Bluetooth and it connected just fine to the network. I then tried to connect to my desktop via Bluetooth again but it would not. I even tried using the Bluetooth file transfer app and it told me the host could not be found. After turning WiFi off it connected without a problem.
I did not have that many apps on my phone when I found out about this (with the BT headset). In fact I do not think I had any installed from the market place. Besides stock ones.
I am running Android 2.0.1.
Thank you for any help.