WiFi Connection Issues


Sep 9, 2010
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I can't seem to connect to WiFi. I can find networks, I can remember them, but when I try to connect, it gets to "obtaining address" but never connects. It just says unsuccessful after 30 seconds (or so) of trying to connect.

This hasn't always been a problem, as I was able to connect to these networks at one time. Any ideas why my phone won't connect to any wireless networks?
No idea, especially since you have been able to connect to the same networks before. What changed? Have you tried a reboot?
I have the same issue. I thought I fixed it by adding the MAC address of the phone ot the wireless at home and it worked the first time, allowing only specific MAC addresses. Then the next time I tried to connect, I get the same response as you do. Any ideas?
Hey guys,

This is my first post, but Ive searched for hours now and can't seam to find an answer... I've owned my Droid 2 for a long time now and have never had connection issues with my home routers WiFi connection. For whatever reason these last couple days its stopped working. I can load the home page of my browser, but if I try to go any further my wifi will turn off and then start cycling on and off until i manually turn it off in the settings.

I've tried resetting my router, pulling out my battery, tried different sharing methods, and nothing seams to work. Every single time I turn on my wifi I can't do anything with it before it starts cycling on and off again. I have no idea why its doing this especially considering my brothers wifi works perfect on his incredible and my sisters lap top(using it now) works perfectly as well :icon_evil:

I would GREATLY appreciate it if somebody can help me or direct me to another thread that I missed while searching around for an answer. I have zero reception in my house (I can't hear you now...) so wifi is my only hope for using this phone while I'm home. I also have no computer at the moment so no wifi is my worst nightmare! :icon_eek:

By the way, I'm using a netgear-24-G wireless router with WPA WPA2 PSK

Thank you,
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Problem solved... Edit - Not solved.

Verizon Access Manager was blocking my wifi or at least I think it was... I uninstalled it because my laptop wifi stopped working as well. I eventually figured out that I simply had to press Function and F2 in order to restore wifi capability and it also enabled my phones wifi. Now I'm not sure if it will happen again if I reinstall VZaccess, but I guess time will tell...

I retract my previous statement. Now I just have an extra 15-30 seconds of wifi before the connection drops again... This is driving me insane.
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Back when I first got my D2, I tried to download VZAccess to the D2 but couldn't find a version for my phone. When I did more research, I ran across info that VZAccess and Android don't mix well. It may be that VZAccess is causing the wifi problem that you are having.
Why do you feel that you Need VZA?

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
That's the whole problem... I currently don't have a computer, but I still have my router which I use for xbox live and wifi. My sister brought her computer over the other day with her newly installed vza and it apparently decided to take over my phone and killed my wifi. I deleted it from her computer, but still nothing.

Finally I got my brothers phone(incredible) and logged into my netgear account. I had to switch to 54 mps to get my wifi working. Its amazing how stupid all of this is...

Thanks for the help,