WIFI Hotspot Intermittent Connectivity


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
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Hey Forum,

So I am currently paying for WIFI hotspot connectivity through Verizon, looking to possibly cancel home cable internet (4g is faster and I have an unlimited plan), but so far I am having some intermittent connectivity issues. I don't know if it is possibly related to the known 4g/3g connectivity issues or if it is separate. While streaming through my blu ray player I will get occasional skipping, but the phone shows good connectivity. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue, and hoping there is some kind of a fix available or coming. I just need this connection to be rock solid to convince the wife we can cancel our cable service, lol.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Oh, forgot to mention, stopping, then restarting this wifi hotspot seems to temporarily correct the issue.
dropped wifi connection too

same issue here.... it will be running fine then all of a sudden my tv will drop the connection... my phone still is running fine but I can't relink the two on a stable connection unless toggle the wifi on and off on both devices... but will eventually lose the connection after sometime.. 1-3 times during a single episode viewing on tv is avg to mess with dropped connections via hotspot
How close are the devices to the TV?

It seems the Bionic's broadcasting range is mediocre. At my house it needs line of sight for good signal.
It's just inches away.... I get a notification on my phone often that a device is conncects and disconnects. It my laptop does the same thing, so that leads me to believe its the phone and not the other devices. I've tried keeping my bluetooth off, keeping the screen on, killing all apps... none of these steps seem to help....