Will Verizon stores support phones purchased from Amazon, LetsTalk, etc?


Mar 21, 2010
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I know this is a stupid question, but I know that someone more knowledgeable than me knows the answer and can help. That being said:

If I purchase my Galaxy Nexus from Amazon, Costco, LetsTalk, etc. and there is a problem with the phone, will Verizon in-store tech support help me with it? I'm guessing that if the phone needs to be replaced they would tell me to send it back from whence it came...but if anyone can clarify, it would be appreciated.

If support will only be provided in-store for phones purchased directly from Verizon, I'll have to decide whether the money I'd save by purchasing it elsewhere (not much it seems on upgrading a line in a family plan) would be worth not having the option of walking into a store if something is wrong when the phone arrives.

Thanks for your help and all the hard work that everyone has put in leading up to this phone's release.
They will help you out but if i remember correctly if it has to be replaced then it will have to get mailed out to you(i work for the company that handles all the warranty issues for vzw/att and the vzw half recently was let go) Of course if its within the return period for wherever you got it you can always exchange it there for a new one. They wont turn you away because you didn't buy it from them.
So Verizon would mail me a new one? Thanks for your help!
Yeah you're covered for a year unless you have physical/liquid damage. You can call the 1-800 number and do the same thing. Vzw is pretty good about sending out the phone in 1-2 business days.
So Verizon would mail me a new one? Thanks for your help!

inside the return policy of the place of purchase the retailer would handle the return... I think he is saying after that period verizon would handle the exchange although you won't get a new one...
inside the return policy of the place of purchase the retailer would handle the return... I think he is saying after that period verizon would handle the exchange although you won't get a new one...

Yeah that's what im saying. But be careful if you buy it from like ebay or something like that you may run into trouble.
Yeah that's what im saying. But be careful if you buy it from like ebay or something like that you may run into trouble.

Thank you both for your help! I guess now I just need to decide how comfortable I am trusting a 3rd party to preserve my unlimited plan...but that's another topic entirely.

Thanks again.
Thank you both for your help! I guess now I just need to decide how comfortable I am trusting a 3rd party to preserve my unlimited plan...but that's another topic entirely.

Thanks again.

There is a "keep current data plan" option when buying from 3rd party retailer so you'll be able to keep your unlimited data.
I believe you get very little support when you buy from a place other than Verizon. They perhaps will help you at the store but don't expect too much. I recommend you buy it from VZ. Trust me, I own a bionic that I even bought from the VZ store. If you buy it from them you have your 14 day period to work with.

Thank you both for your help! I guess now I just need to decide how comfortable I am trusting a 3rd party to preserve my unlimited plan...but that's another topic entirely.

Thanks again.
If you read everything when purchacing from 2nd and 3rd parties THEY "most" tell you to take it to your local retailer for problems anyway, Amazon does anyway, mi wife had to take her Dx in and it was purchased threw amazon.

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