Wired headsets causing echo


Jul 12, 2010
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SF Bay Area
Hi everyone,
I never used a wired headset on my Droid but I wanted to try them out on the Nexus (mainly due to Google Music and a 4G connection), but when I make phone calls with them the person on the other end says that their voice echos back at them. Everything sounds okay on my end it's just them that echos back to themselves. As soon as I unplug and use the phone normally the problem is fixed. I've tried this with two different headsets now with the same results. Is there something special I have to do to use these properly? A setting I'm missing perhaps?
I have a reliable fix that works for me. When I plug in my headset, there are 2 "notches" the plug has to go past before the headset is fully plugged in the jack. Once I plug the headset in fully, there is a tiny amount I can pull the plug out of the jack while still remaining "fully plugged in" (past both notches). When the plug is fully in, there's an echo. But when I pull the plug out slightly, the echo disappears. It's almost as if the headset echoes only if the plug touches the back of the jack. The moment they're separated...no more echo. I hope other people try this and let me know if it works for you.
I tried it by calling my home phone (land line) from my Galaxy Nexus. I had to cover up the mic on the headset to make sure the echo wasn't coming from feedback. Plug it all the way in...echo. Pull it out a bit...no echo. It's probably better to test it this way than to keep asking someone on the other line "What about now? Do you hear the echo now? What about now? OK how about this? Still an echo?". :)
Crap. I'm sorry to get your hopes up. It did solve the echo, but they can't hear my voice either. I tested it again and couldn't get it to work. I'm hoping this is all software-based and they can just issue a fix. The headset that comes with the Galaxy Nexus never echoes, but I have much better quality headsets I like to use (I have one at home, one at my office, and one in my car).