WiSync v1.7.4


May 4, 2010
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Automatically enable and disable syncing on WIFI connectivity. Saves money for those without unlimited data plans, out of country, or when simply data roaming. Saves battery by preventing constant 3G/Edge/GPRS syncing. Sync when near an access point by simply turning WIFI on/off as needed. Sync options are configurable on a connection and disconnection basis. So for example, you can configure it to enable email syncing when not connected to WIFI and to enable syncing of contacts, calendars, and emails when connected to a WIFI access point.
Easy to use, saves battery, and can even save you money in limited situations.
Alerts you if you leave WIFI on and WIFI is not connected. Can be turned off in preferences of by viewing your notifications.
Download Wisync to your phone.
Version 1.7.4 Now works on Android 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.01, and expected to be compatible with Android 2.1.
Version 1.6 includes Locale integration. You can now control your phone’s synchronization from Locale. Like Locale’s Sync plug-in only more options and more powerful.
Version 1.6.1 allows for customized notification and WIFI Monitor is now turned disabled when WiSync is disabled. See website for full details.
Version 1.7.1 lowers its memory foot print, adds a custom error icon, and completely overhauls the WIFI Monitor logic. This release also adds a new preference, "Monitor Charging". When enabled, the WIFI Monitor will NOT alert you of WIFI disconnection when charging via USB or A/C power. The overhaul is also far, far better at preventing false positives as the old implementation relied on a specific order of state transitions which WIFI drivers were not required to follow. Best of all, this version now reliably toggles synchronization settings based on WIFI connection/disconnection rather than WIFI on/off so long as the "WIFI Monitor" is enabled.