Y so many big phones?

Teflon Don

New Member
Jan 8, 2011
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It seems to me that every since the droid x every phone that comes out is oversized and extra big screen. Me personally i would like a phone with about the screen size of the d2 and without the sliding keyboard but has just as much under the hood with a front facing camera. The atrix is kinda wat im lookin for but its not available to verizon. Anybody else feel the same way?

An offer u cant refuse
It's probably the flavor of the week. I'm assuming the masses are asking for larger screens, but I could be wrong.

I actually prefer the larger phones, but I have big hands and fat fingers.....lol.
I also have fat fingers so the bigger screens suit me. I will say though that my girl has a Samsung vibrant and although I don't know the specifics off the top of my head, its bigger then the d2 and smaller than the dx and it feels just the right size in my hands... except its really plasticy.

tappin and a talkin
Yea a 4 inch screen is the biggest I want. Guess ima have to wait and hope Verizon gets the atrix

An offer u cant refuse
This is truly my only complaint. I really was expecting a normal sized phone. At least make a 4.0 motorola... thats what they have been doing with the D2 and the Dx.
To me the X is a normal size phone..
I was hoping for a 4.0 but I am not passing the Bionic up just because it has more real estate :)
I was hoping for a 4.0 but I am not passing the Bionic up just because it has more real estate :)

To be honest i still think 4.0 is big. I just want a dual core D1 with better ram.. 3.7 is big enough.
Yea 3.7 is big enough. Anything bigger is almost a brick. If u ask me, my droid 2 is better than the x. The x is just bigger. A regular size 3.7 with dual processor and front facing camera will be the champion

An offer u cant refuse
Yea 3.7 is big enough. Anything bigger is almost a brick. If u ask me, my droid 2 is better than the x. The x is just bigger. A regular size 3.7 with dual processor and front facing camera will be the champion

An offer u cant refuse

But as a brick I can use ny DX to hold down papers, build houses, beat bad guys, and ask out women

Lax bro, closet geek
Hahaha man go head

An offer u cant refuse
Next everyone will want a phone the size of a tablet..lol I see it happening.. x is too big. Inc, n iPhone,fasinate are perfect size.
I have the Droid x and I love it.
For all you people that say the X isn't as good as the Droid 2 need to go to Verizon's website and compare the two phones. The X does a lot more for the same price.