Yikes!... Android 2.3...


Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Texas, USA
To all,

I have a D2G and have rooted, bootstrapped, and have Fission 2.4.3 running happily on my phones (wife's too). I love Fission. It gives me way more time on my stock battery than what "the man" gave me. Plus the bloat is gone and I am able to customize my phone to my liking. I am having a great experience enjoying the power of Android and my phone under Fission.

I'm not much of a gamer, a browser (much),... I don't really use the damn thing to it's full potential. I just like the idea of taking the phone to places it would not normally be exposed to (me too).

That said, I'm kind of a-feared when Android 2.3 comes out and "screws me". I've read a bunch and it is not clear to me whether 2.3 will be pushed to the D2G (can anyone confirm?) If it does, I know that 2.3 will be "worlds better", but I've got to undo everything I've spent a lot of time getting set, dammit. That's the part I'm not looking forward to.

In preparation for the inevitable I've made a backup when I installed Koush's bootstrap, when I installed Fission, and when I installed Fission Upgrade... I'm set with getting back to stock from backups (I think). I've read up on how to sbf (a verb) (thanks chris(can't remember the rest of your username:icon_eek:!) I'm pretty sure I don't need to do sbf... however... with chris's instruction, I can do it.

When the wondrous, glorious 2.3 comes out, I am relatively sure I'll have to 1) restore stock from backup, 2) unistall Koush's bootstrap, 3) unfreeze bloat (that I froze before installing Fission), 4) unroot.

Does this sound right?

I'm thinking out loud here, when/if magnanimous 2.3 pushes I need to:
1) Restore stock using bootstrap
Get to the green screen​
Scroll down to "backup and restore" (uh... what are the steps exactly to restore from a previously backed-up stock ROM? This is where I have no experience and need HELP!)​
2) Unistall Koush
Manage Applications​
3) Unfreeze bloat previously frozen
I use Super Manager to rename all *.bak to *.apk.​
4) Unroot
I use the ol' fashion linux command line way to unroot.​

I believe that is all I need to do. Does that sound right?

Will Fission 2.4.3 work with Android 2.3? From what I've read, I'm thinking Fission 2.4.3 won't work with the new version of Android. Do we have to wait (endure bloat) for someone to develop a new ROM for Android 2.3 on the D2G?

Thank you for any information. You guys rock!
After rereading I kind of sound like a narc... well I'm not. Any help will be appreciated.

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I believe that if you are on fission you will not get the update unless you flash back to full blur stock. Does that answer your question?

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