Youtube apps- Xoom vs iPad 2- what's up here?


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
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I just picked up the wifi xoom today to do a comparison and see if it could top my iPad 2. I know the strengths and weaknesses of both on paper, but the xoom's one 'strength' I was really hoping to come through was it's higher rez display. So far I've been let down... That's been the case in a few areas, but the one thing I wanted to ask about was youtube.

I was watching this video [video=youtube;a1IpPpB3iWI][/video] to see what some higher quality youtube videos looked like. On the iPad it's crystal clear, very nice at full screen. On the xoom... it's a blurry pixelated mess... it looks terrible! And the 'HQ' toggle is turned on. if I turn it off it gets even worse. I can't imagine this is just the higher resolution of the xoom screen, it wouldnt' make THAT much of a difference... is there some way to change the resolution on the xoom and it just comes set low out of the box or something?? Otherwise I just don't get it.

I've looked at several videos, websites etc on this thing, and the iPad's display is just looking much better to me. Really not what I expected.

Now please before anyone slams me- I'm NOT an Apple fanboy looking to bash the Xoom. I got the xoom thinking (actually hoping) 95% this thing would make me ditch my iPad almost immediately. I'm really looking to see if there's something I'm missing here.

EDIT: um...sorry for the big video thumbnail, i'm new around here. not sure how to turn that off and keep the link working...
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Looks great here running on wifi in hand. Followed your link and I got the lowfi version. Had to click hq a few times to get the best quality version.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
sorry- that link was just to show which video it was, that wasn't a link I was directly looking at on the xoom. I was comparing the videos within the youtube /app/ for each tablet.

But that's interesting that you pointed that out, when I tried going to the link, I DO see the higher quality video on my xoom. But for some reason when I go to the youtube app, no matter how many times I toggle hq on and off, the HQ version is still a very low res poor quality version...
Because the youtube app is built specifically for phones, with a slow 3G connection in mind. I notice a difference between the apps 'HQ' and the websites (browser set to desktop mode) normal quality
You didn't install the youtube application from the market did you? That's not a honeycomb version and should be uninstalled. Assuming that is not the case, all i can add is that i had to press the hq button several times, and it never appeared to stick. I did however eventually see hq video through the youtube app

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
Yeah, I did install from the marketplace. beautiful- that was the kind of explanation I was hoping for...makes sense.

Thanks for the help. Really wish this bad boy had netflix on it, but my fault I didn't do my homework on that one.
I seen somewhere that netflix is working on the droid app. Ios has a head start on droid 3.0 . I'm sure we are going to a lot of cool stuff over the next few months.