ZOMG signal!!


Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Just kidding :)

Just went into a verizon store and every phone there except the nexus was on 3g, with the nexus going strong at 3 bars of 4g. I would have videos this except I was one of three people in there and probably would have gotten strange looks.

I'm not sipping any kool-aid, I really think the signal issue on this phone is a mixed bag, but I posted this for all those who are all "my razr/rezlag is so superior".
It sure is a mixed bag. I'm glad some have perfect Nexus phones. Mine sucked, two of them. Bad signal/data drops and high Android OS usage killing the battery. And I always had 4G turned off. I wonder if it could be a regional thing depending on your area/towers/signal. Who knows. All I know is my Rezound is a much better phone than my Nexus could ever be.
It sure is a mixed bag. I'm glad some have perfect Nexus phones. Mine sucked, two of them. Bad signal/data drops and high Android OS usage killing the battery. And I always had 4G turned off. I wonder if it could be a regional thing depending on your area/towers/signal. Who knows. All I know is my Rezound is a much better phone than my Nexus could ever be.

Would have rooted and romed before I gave it up. I almost swapped mine in but then I flashed axiom and all my gripes were solved. I played with a rezound for a good half hour tonight and between the choppiness of sense and the screen compared to the gnex, I just couldn't get into it. Playing two HD videos back to back on each phone over wifi the nexus was night and day better, clarity wise.
I had bad problems with my first Nexus with signal. I swapped it out and didn't notice any difference but everything seems to be fine now. The only thing different is that I installed the new radios and the a 4.0.3 rom. (Axiom).

I don't know if this has helped or not but I no longer have data issues as I travel around as I did before on the stock software. Who knows, maybe they have improved the network in some way...
Would have rooted and romed before I gave it up. I almost swapped mine in but then I flashed axiom and all my gripes were solved. I played with a rezound for a good half hour tonight and between the choppiness of sense and the screen compared to the gnex, I just couldn't get into it. Playing two HD videos back to back on each phone over wifi the nexus was night and day better, clarity wise.

I did. Tried two different ROMs (axoim and rootboatz) and some different kernels. Turned my phone into a hot buggy mess. Even had home screen redraws :blink: Flashed it back to stock, returned it the next day, and the second one was just as bad with battery/signal. When I found out the Rezound was unlocked, I exchanged it the next day.
Meh, sucks I'm in a city on the edge of 4G at home and work in a city with no 4G whatsoever.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I did. Tried two different ROMs (axoim and rootboatz) and some different kernels. Turned my phone into a hot buggy mess. Even had home screen redraws :blink: Flashed it back to stock, returned it the next day, and the second one was just as bad with battery/signal. When I found out the Rezound was unlocked, I exchanged it the next day.

Reading that it sounds like you could also have used someone to show you how to flash roms. If you can't flash roms properly with this phone you will never be able to do it on anything. This is the easiest phone to work with... I can't speak for Rootzboat but Axiom is wonderful.

Anyway... hope you enjoy your new phone as I am sure it is great also!
Reading that it sounds like you could also have used someone to show you how to flash roms. If you can't flash roms properly with this phone you will never be able to do it on anything. This is the easiest phone to work with... I can't speak for Rootzboat but Axiom is wonderful.

Anyway... hope you enjoy your new phone as I am sure it is great also!

Here we go, I was waiting for the first tool to say this, and assume I'm an idiot. Don't go there please. This isn't rocket science. I'd like to think you'd be smart enough to know that not all roms and kernels run the same on all phones. Have you even bothered to read the threads on rootzwiki and see that some people have issues?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Indeed there is a mixed bag for some having good signal and some having bad. I'm lucky enough to have a good strong signal.

And I have a feeling this thread is going south...cardona and kleen, take it easy.
Here we go, I was waiting for the first tool to say this, and assume I'm an idiot. Don't go there please. This isn't rocket science. I'd like to think you'd be smart enough to know that not all roms and kernels run the same on all phones. Have you even bothered to read the threads on rootzwiki and see that some people have issues?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

Never intended that you were an idiot, sorry if you got that impression.

And you are correct that it's not rocket science and of course there can be issues. But the issues can be resolved if you don't freak out and jump ship too quickly. You will have issues with any phone...

But I will call you a tool for calling me a tool... :) But I'd be happy to help you when you have problems with your new phone.
Here we go, I was waiting for the first tool to say this, and assume I'm an idiot. Don't go there please. This isn't rocket science. I'd like to think you'd be smart enough to know that not all roms and kernels run the same on all phones. Have you even bothered to read the threads on rootzwiki and see that some people have issues?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

This is true, on my OG Droid most 2.2 roms ran terrible. The only one I could get to work flawlessly was PE, everything else was buggy, heat my phone to 130f or take my batter from 50 to 20 with multiple calibrations. When I rooted my DX same story, liberty rom was the one that was perfect.

I get where you are coming from bro, just glad you got what you wanted finally. Post some videos of your HTC running some roms, I'm curious to see of they clean up the lag from sense. I know axiom cleaned up all lag for my nexus.