2.3 GB update delayed to Droid X...D2G even longer???

Dec 29, 2010
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Seattle, WA
Well it was announced that VZW, rejected the latest build of GB 2.3, so it wont be coming to the DX on sunday, its been sent back to moto for fixes, so it will be at least another month apparently, which makes me think that now it will be even longer til us D2G users see our GB update that has been pretty much promised! Here's the article link - http://www.phonesreview.co.uk/2011/03/26/android-gingerbread-update-for-motorola-droid-x-delayed/


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I think is the worse company of updating their units.
You mean the Nexus S, I don't think the nexus one has GB

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Although p3droid who has been on the in about all this made a statement saying big news for d2 owners. The dx file may have been rejected but im hoping that the d2 file was given the go ahead. Hopefully d2g falls into this category

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only hoping to get a battery improve on GB.....lol

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Although p3droid who has been on the in about all this made a statement saying big news for d2 owners. The dx file may have been rejected but im hoping that the d2 file was given the go ahead. Hopefully d2g falls into this category

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P3Droid never said anything positive about the Droid 2, only the global.

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Actually he did. He tweeted someone that MOTO was working on Droid 2 gingerbread but he hadn't seen it.


tappin and a talkin
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yeah apparently the DX gingerbread update was rejected, it didnt say anything about the D2G or D2 update, so there is still a good chance that we will get updates on time, while the DX owners will have to wait a month :/