3G or 4G?


Feb 10, 2010
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I was contemplating buying one of the newer 3G phones ( love the Droid x2) but was wondering if its even worth it.
I mean when Verizon's 4G network is up and running will 3G become obsolete?
I mean will it be like when we had to convert our TV's a few years ago? I'm I an idiot for even asking this question? Lol

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No, we won't be forced to switch for a long time. They will use 3G as a fall back like we use 1X for fall back for 3G, they will support it for a long time to come, BUT in my opinion its best to get the most technologically advanced phone so you wont be too left behind in 2 years.
Thx just tired of waiting. The. Thunderbolt didn't impress me, and the Charge was ok too.
My brother got the x2 today and I loved it. Still running my D1 since December 09
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Me too, I'm waiting for a phone with at least a 4" screen, LTE, 1Gb of ram, and a dual core processor, the rest can be whatever, but once that phone comes out I'm snatching it up and I will be happy for at least a month haha
I can relate. My Verizon NE2 comes up in less than a month, and the D3 will likely be in stores by then. But rumor has it that it isn't 4G LTE-capable. While, I don't feel like I need that much faster network speeds now, I'm sure once I see what it's capable of, it will feel like trying to use a 56k modem after having cable internet.
I'm in the same boat. I am due for an upgrade but really want to go for a 4G phone. I work in NYC and live near by so I am pretty sure I have 4G already. I was hoping the Bionic was gonna be out when they SAID it was going to be out but it looks like it's going to take a lot longer. I want to get a 4G phone with decent everything else....but they sure are taking their sweet time. When something comes out, it better be good!