A few questions before I dive in


Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
So, I know I've been a pain the last couple of days and for that I apologize, lol. But I want to thank everyone that has helped me get through this!!!

First, I'm trying to find a link or section that can explain some questions I have like:
1)When I flash a rom, recovery, or kernel, do I place it on the root of my sdcard or ext sdcard?
2)When I flash a rom, does it really wipe my sdcard everytime? Does it wipe my sdcard if I flash a kernel or recovery as well?
3)Does anyone have a link to a site that gives detailed instructions on HOW TO flash a rom and kernel? I have looked and can't find one.

I have already unlocked the bootloader and rooted the phone, but want to make sure I'm doing everything right before I start.

Thanks in advance for your help with this!!!!!!!!!
It will not wipe your side of the sd card with your pictures and things but will wipe your apps so you'll have to re install them. Yes you just place it on your sd card, its pretty easy over all. I would suggest looking into scottsroms. I don't know if I can post a link cause forums are wild about things like that lately. He has a program that runs a script to flash the custom recovery its fool proof. I'll look it up and PM you with the link.

By now there might be even easy ways I dove in on day one so I'm sure whats come out sense then. Be careful and remember its all on you, people here are just here for help and advice.
Well I know the basics of flashing roms as I had a new rom every week on my OG Droid, but things are a little more complicated on the Rezound. I'm familiar with fastboot and stuff so I don't have a problem using that to flash the recovery, but I didn't know if flashing a recovery would wipe my sdcard as well. Also, do I place the rom on the sdcard or the ext sdcard, because in Root Explorer there are two options?
Ok, so I flashed Amon RA recovery and everything went fine! Should I select the option that says compress backup? I read somewhere that people have reported backup sizes of 1gb.

EDIT: Also, should I back up google proprietary files?
Only backup what is already selected by default, you don't really need the others, and I wouldn't compress backups, yes, they are large, but compressing can sometimes cause errors.