A KickStand May Be The Note 6's Big Feature!


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Oct 6, 2011
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The Note 5 is a big device and it can get pretty tiring to hold it up for long periods of time. I have actually had digits fall asleep holding the Note 5 watching a football game on the watch ESPN app. Samsung may have a pretty cool trick up their sleeve for the Note 6.

Samsung filed a patent for an S-Pen that folds into a kickstand way back in the third quarter of 2015. The patent shows an S-Pen that would stick halfway in the device and halfway out. It bends in the middle making the kickstand. As long as the mechanism that allows the S-Pen to fold in half is nice and firm when in straight S-Pen form this might be cool. If the hinge is not sturdy and it folds in on itself randomly this could be pretty awful. Of course this is just a patent and who knows this could be vapor ware.

via Patently
I don't understand how more companies haven't added stands to the back of their phones. It's two pieces of cheap plastic on hinges, shouldn't be hard to manufacture.
I don't understand how more companies haven't added stands to the back of their phones. It's two pieces of cheap plastic on hinges, shouldn't be hard to manufacture.
I had a case for my Rezound that had a folding kick stand. It was very handy. The rooCASE Executive for my Note8 has a built in kick stand. I use it frequently when watching Netflix on it.
I like that it would be something easily used by those that want it and just as easily ignored by those that don't idea of making the s pen a kick stand. One more usage of my s pen.

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I had a case for my Rezound that had a folding kick stand. It was very handy. The rooCASE Executive for my Note8 has a built in kick stand. I use it frequently when watching Netflix on it.
I like that it would be something easily used by those that want it and just as easily ignored by those that don't idea of making the s pen a kick stand. One more usage of my s pen.

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Beast Mode 4
Same here...had a kickstand case for my Fascinate. I used all the time when I wanted to set it on my desk horizontally.
I think it'll be a great feature built into the next Note.

S5 tap'n
Don't most people use cases? Am I the minority here? Kickstands belong on cases. :p
Think everyone here said it. If we want a kickstand there are plenty of cases out there. For those that rock a case it is going to cover up the kickstand anyway.

Didn't HTC already beat that horse to death. Nice at the time but was not really practical. For one the kickstand only worked at holding the phone at a certain angle and just got in the way because the power button and volume button would be opposite of each other, making it where either you could adjust the volume or awake it from sleep mode.

Correction: forgot the power buttons were at the top of the phone back then

I think kickstands mostly belong on cases

Besides if Samsung is sticking with glass panels that'd be pretty difficult to implement I imagine.
I think kickstands mostly belong on cases

Besides if Samsung is sticking with glass panels that'd be pretty difficult to implement I imagine.

Im waiting for the kickstand to collapse and the phone fall and crack. Then Samsung will put out a memo on how the user need to learn how to use the kickstand correctly (ie read the freaking manual).
I don't think it will happen.. It's just another patent in the portfolio.
I don't think it will happen.. It's just another patent in the portfolio.

agree or they will try it in a small market like the do their alpha series.