A very easy guide to Rooting, backup, and ROM flashing for the D2....

So you're good? I would totally get on liberty. Super nice rom. Yeah, I'm in Rochester. Guess you are not too far, huh? If you want to get on gb, let me know.

Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.7-Droid addict
What has wiped your sd? Clockwork wouldn't do that. Installing a rom wouldn't either.

Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.7-Droid addict
phone cant read sd card. so i copied it to my hard drive. dancedroid
i will be attempting again this afternoon/evening.
thanks for the help guys
started the gingerbread thing. loaded sbf full, rooted, got everything working, then my other computer caught a virus, or i should say got inundated. up to 14 infections so far. and only at 43% of scan. oh, i also ran the z4 root. so will be trying to do the recovery and then load gingerbread.
woot woot! u-huh u-huh, oh yeah, got the rooted gingerbread running and phone activated. SWEET! think ill keep it this way and see it i like it. i do so far, be it all of two minutes.
loving gingerbread so far. one issue i have found is my texting cant add contacts. when i press the plus sign and go to the new message window/panel , i cant add contacts. long press gives edit text/input method.
I had the same issue. Wipe and reflash fixed it

Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.8-Gingercomb Juiced
what do you mean wipe and reflash?
loaded handsent, see if i get the dreded double notices. have auto retrieve off on both stock and handsent.
swipe dosent work, tried beta and it wont work either.
still like the gingerbread though.
Reinstall is what I mean. Go into clockwork and wipe and reflash it should take care of a lot of bugs. It's up to you though, if you can't get your sms working properly

Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.8-Gingercomb Juiced
Flashed this ROM but i don't like it. What should i do to remove it. Noob question, i know, just don't want to mess up my phone.
Flash the backup that you should have made. If you did not make one, then you need to find a stock image or another ROM.