A Very Sad Day Today.....


Premium Member
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2009
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N.E. Ohio
My wife has worked for a major cosmetics company for about 15 years. Today was her last day on the job. She was a manager in their now defunct IT department.

When she is sad, I'm sad and I have never seen her feeling so bad. She had just completed a major project for their inventory department over the last year. During that time she spent a great deal of time in New Jersey (we live in N.E. Ohio). Weeks at a time, come home for the weekend and fly back out Sunday nights. Spent so much time there we had to pay taxes in New Jersey and Ohio.

We were told about a month ago so it's not like they walked up to her today with a pink slip, and yes, we have a very nice package they gave her. But it still hurts her to have put in all that effort, and then "Thanks for your 15 years, good luck."

We will be OK. But right now, this moment, this day is very, very sad.
My wife has worked for a major cosmetics company for about 15 years. Today was her last day on the job. She was a manager in their now defunct IT department.

When she is sad, I'm sad and I have never seen her feeling so bad. She had just completed a major project for their inventory department over the last year. During that time she spent a great deal of time in New Jersey (we live in N.E. Ohio). Weeks at a time, come home for the weekend and fly back out Sunday nights. Spent so much time there we had to pay taxes in New Jersey and Ohio.

We were told about a month ago so it's not like they walked up to her today with a pink slip, and yes, we have a very nice package they gave her. But it still hurts her to have put in all that effort, and then "Thanks for your 15 years, good luck."

We will be OK. But right now, this moment, this day is very, very sad.

So sorry you are going through a hard time. I know she will find comfort in having more time to be with you at home, at least. Best to you both...
My wife has worked for a major cosmetics company for about 15 years. Today was her last day on the job. She was a manager in their now defunct IT department.

When she is sad, I'm sad and I have never seen her feeling so bad. She had just completed a major project for their inventory department over the last year. During that time she spent a great deal of time in New Jersey (we live in N.E. Ohio). Weeks at a time, come home for the weekend and fly back out Sunday nights. Spent so much time there we had to pay taxes in New Jersey and Ohio.

We were told about a month ago so it's not like they walked up to her today with a pink slip, and yes, we have a very nice package they gave her. But it still hurts her to have put in all that effort, and then "Thanks for your 15 years, good luck."

We will be OK. But right now, this moment, this day is very, very sad.

Sorry to hear that. but everything happens for a reason.. and it soon will all pass.. Wow 15 years is a long time.. Good luck to you both..maybe this will cheer you up...:banplease:.. or maybe i can go post something in the wrong forum for you to move over.. or another 2.2 thread....
sorry to hear, best wishes to you and your fam, hook
I am in a very similar boat. Actually I was laid off from the IT department where I used to work. Now I am looking for a new job and it sucks... So far it has been two months of no work and I am starting to go stir crazy. At least now the job offers are starting to roll in.
So sorry to hear my friend. Will talk later tonight.

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I appreciate the comments. lol justin82, yeah it was funny you mention that because while I was trying to write that post I started getting a bunch of pm's about another issue. A little tough to shift gears, but it does take your mind off of it.

Now I'm not saying everybody start breaking the rules, hook feels bad. roflol. Just want to be clear. :)
Sorry to hear that, hook for you and your ol lady.
I def know how it feels.
As they say
When life gives you lemons...
Make lemonade.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Best wishes to the two of you. I know something good will come of this. I went through a similar situation about a year ago, but today I'm glad it happened. Keep thinking positive, and positive things will happen.
Best wishes bud. Hopefully this turns into something positive.
hook look at it this way...now she can do the dishes and feed the birds and you get more time with us!! :rofl3:

seriously, i feel for you both :(

maybe it's a good time to take her on a nice trip somewhere to get her mind off it at least until the freshness of it all wears off. of course you'll be taking your laptop for when i need you tho :D
Sorry to hear that! I was downsized after 20 years with Sprint. Back then we had a nice lay off package. Just need time to rethink the old plans. Take a VACATION! Take a CRUISE! Goods things will happen, they are just around the corner.
hook look at it this way...now she can do the dishes and feed the birds and you get more time with us!! :rofl3:

seriously, i feel for you both :(

maybe it's a good time to take her on a nice trip somewhere to get her mind off it at least until the freshness of it all wears off. of course you'll be taking your laptop for when i need you tho :D

You know we never have taken a vacation together. One of us is always here for the birds. We tried a pet sitter once, both of us before we got married and we had a bad experience. So any travel we do together is done within a distance that we can get home the same day.

Anyway I don't have a lap top, just my Mac, a desktop PC and my Droid.

I'd say we are definitely not your average couple. :) She does Second Life and I do DF. Difference is she actually makes money on Second Life. I just get the pleasure of hanging out with great people.

Some things are better then money.
Join the club, no loyalty from companies anymore, same boat for my wife, country is going in the toilet; time to begin becoming an ex-patriot in a non-extradition country soon...