About to make the jump..


Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
Knoxville, Tn
Hey guys, i have a Galaxy Nexus that i have had for about a year and a half mow. Not a bad phone at all, but recently my daughter grabbed it and ran out of the room and dropped it in the toilet. Got it out before it got to submerged, still works actually, but very difficult to charge. Anyho, i am eligible for an upgrade next month and looking at the G2. Really like what i have seen so far, especially about the battery life (if its true). My Nexus won't last half a day on a fullcharge. Is there anything about this phone you guys DON'T like? Don't sugar coat it... i am not sold on it, just trying to do some research. Thanks!
Former phones HTC ONE X, HTC ONE X+, HTC ONE. Current phone LG G2 , battery life far superior than my formers HTC phones. Never had a Nexus or a Samsung phone. My LG G2 is the better android phone so far.

Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
The G2 is an exceptional phone. In the event you have also considered the Note 2 or 3 just wanted to offer a minor comment:

Some people have been discouraged from investing in the Note line because of less than satisfactory experiences with another Samsung phone, the Galaxy Nexus. You apparently liked your G Nexus. I detested mine for innumerable reasons including sluggishness and inferior radios.

My point is that the Note is an amazing phone and no one should be discouraged by the fact that, in my opinion, the G Nexus was not.

Would simply add that the consensus appears to be that the G2 does have among the best radios in the industry. Superior to the Note 3 and rivaling those produced by Motorola.
The G2 is the best phone I've had yet though I'll admit that I run 2-2.5 years between phone so my overall experience is limited. I won't say that the G2 isn't without it's quirks but overall it's an exceptional phone and most of the issues I have are minor annoyances that are easily overcome or ignorable.

Also from what I've seen LG has utterly failed to market this phone so it's not selling like they'd hoped. Thus there are some killer deals on this phone.
I loved my Samsung Galaxy Nexus from Verizon. Battery life was horrible, but everything work smoothly (except waiting for updates). I then went on to the HTC Droid DNA, which I also loved, and miss Beats! However, I squeaked in the Motorola Droid Ultra in between-liked the phone, hated the camera. I am not even that particular about pictures, but the Ultra was grainy, dark in normal lighting. So far, the G2 had been great! Minor annoyances, but don't they all? The worse I have found on the G2 is when I go into text messages, it does not go to the bottom automatically, which I hope gets fixed soon. I keep all text messages and have some long threads....Lol. I have the Smart Window case, but can't find where to customize that. I am always accidentally playing that song 'Life is Good' (la la la) that is preloaded. It burns a hole in my soul....
I loved my Samsung Galaxy Nexus from Verizon. Battery life was horrible, but everything work smoothly (except waiting for updates). I then went on to the HTC Droid DNA, which I also loved, and miss Beats! However, I squeaked in the Motorola Droid Ultra in between-liked the phone, hated the camera. I am not even that particular about pictures, but the Ultra was grainy, dark in normal lighting. So far, the G2 had been great! Minor annoyances, but don't they all? The worse I have found on the G2 is when I go into text messages, it does not go to the bottom automatically, which I hope gets fixed soon. I keep all text messages and have some long threads....Lol. I have the Smart Window case, but can't find where to customize that. I am always accidentally playing that song 'Life is Good' (la la la) that is preloaded. It burns a hole in my soul....

That's strange, when i go into my text messages, it goes straight to the bottom