Alright... how bad is it?


Sep 17, 2010
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I'm a rooted/flashed/overclocked D1 user considering the upgrade to TB. Nothing else out their really excites me. I love the Sense UI but I don't know if Ill be able to stand the battery drain. How bad is it, really, if you just turn off the 4G? Does it get better, if you remove bloat ware? Can you get by without flashing and staying on Sense?

I typically keep my D1 in the charger overnight and charge it for an hour b4 I leave work. How much of a lifestyle change am I in for at this point?

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Well I seem to be getting 14 hours and I'm in a 3g area, no battery savers or task killers, completely stock. I seem to be doing quite well in battery life.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
I was in your exact same situation. OG Droid, overclocked, etc... I've had my Thunderbolt since last Saturday.

1 day, unrooted and I had about 10-11 hours of battery life in a 4G area.

I rooted the phone shortly thereafter.

I'm now running an overclocked, undervolted kernel on a Custom ROM and I have been getting about 14-16 hours depending on usage.

I normally keep my screen turned way down in brightness (honestly, 20% brightness on the TB is comparable to 100% brightness on the OG Droid).

I leave 4G on... I NEVER TURN IT OFF. To me, buying a TB and turning off 4G renders the phone a waste. I love that my FB, Twitter, and Market Apps update in literally 2 seconds... turning off 4G (to me) just seems stupid.

I was really nervous about making the switch... but I'm very happy. I think I honestly get slightly better battery life on this, then I did on my OG Droid (at the end of its life). Otherwise I didn't have to make any drastic adjustments. The only sacrifice (if you want to call it that) is that I do not leave on 'automatic brightness' anymore.
It's really not THAT bad. Some days are better then other with usage, but yesterday I took it off the charger at 7am. At 430 when I get out of work I was still at 75%.

The big thing is getting an app that turns off the 4g
Yeah I guess I'm in no rush, as my D1 is really in excellent condition, but I would love to have a modern phone with a giant screen. That extended battery, however, is a no go for me. The phone is fat enough as it is!

If you root and flash, do you have to be on the lookout for updates, possibly forced ones for bricking? Id like to keep Sense, at least for a while, after rooting, but I know w/o a rom flashed this has a potential for happening.

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I usually keep 4g off unless I'm doing a ton of browsing, streaming video or downloading something. With 3G only my TBolt has never died during the day with moderate to heavy use (7:30am - around 11pm). That's with the stock ROM and stock battery.
To be honest, I wouldn't recommend the Thunderbolt to someone who worked in a situation where they couldn't charge the phone for at least a half hour every 8 hours.

Battery life is something that will vary greatly by person, so I don't think about my average" battery use but my "heavy" battery use.

Why? Because you simply can't always predict when you are going to NEED the "heavy" usage. Average use is well -- average. And if your phone died all the time with average use, no one would be using this phone.

No, to me, the problem is "heavy" usage. If I need to use my phone a lot because my situation DEMANDS it, then how is my phone going to hold up in that situation?

It doesn't really matter if this isn't an everyday occurrence. What matter is that you have a working phone when you absolutely need it. And under those circumstances, I wouldn't trust this phone longer than 8 hours.

Now, for me, I am never really in a situation where I am not nearby a charger at work, my car or in my home for more than 8 hours. As such, phone works great for my situation. If that's not you (maybe you are a park ranger?) then this phone is not for you.

Unless, of course, you get the 2700mHa extended battery beast. :icon_eek:
I got the TBolt the end of March. I haven't had any battery issues so far. I have stock battery and am not rooted. I do not use my phone for work either. But yesterday, I had it off charge for 1 day, 8 hours and 51 seconds and was still at 33% battery. I've used it moderately... phone calls, texting, some web browsing, facebook, twitter. I am in a 3G area though. Normally, during the work week, I will charge it every night (even if I don't need to) and then I'm fine all day/evening. So far today, I have had it unplugged for 13 hours and I'm at 76% battery. Again, moderate use. Because so many have battery issues, just for the heck of it, I e-mailed HTC and asked about the battery issues, and this was their response to me... "We are indeed working on a fix that will implement some changes that allow the device to best manage its resources, improving the battery life. We don't have any information at this time exactly when this fix will be available, so for the latest news please keep an eye on and" So hopefully they will improve on this because I may have issues once we get 4G.
Haha Came from the same OP's position. The first day i got it charged and everything i got decent life, but i already knew i wanted more.

now im rooted/overclocked and undervolted (a lot)/ and running a custom rom along with Juice defender..which i recommend to EVREYONE, and ive been getting 18+ hour days EASILY, with room to spare, on the stock batter. Yeah that was a run on sentence but my point is that with the right optimizations the phone runs great.

And im a power user. If i wanna watch a youtube vid, or go on facebook, im gonna do it. And this phone has been able to do it fast and just fine. Id say go for it. I miss my droid but i love the TB!