Amazon Echo Dot


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
This is the thread for the new Amazon Echo Dot - this is the smaller version of the Echo which uses an audio port instead of built-in speakers.
Who is using multiple Dots and how do you like them? I'm thinking about spreading them around my shop so that I can just use my voice to control my audio and get information while my hands are full doing work.
I had been having issues with my music not shuffling particularly randomly (it was favoring two albums exclusively), though I could fix that via my tablet. It seems like that may have been resolved recently.
I was under the impression that multiple Echo Dots in the same home would work in unison, but that doesn't seem to be the case now that I have them. So for Christmas I got four Dots. I have one big open workshop that I was planning using three or four Dots. A Dot in the main work bay (40'x70'), a Dot in a fabrication room (16'x40') and one up stairs in the mezzanine. I was hoping there would be a way to set the audio from all the Dots to play through four speakers that are connected together that hang from the ceiling in the main work bay.

Is there any way to sync all the Dots together so that I can have my one main set of speakers play the sound out of the Dots? Basically I want to walk from one room to another, give commands to Alexa and not have to have three different audio sources playing three different types of music or songs. Is this possible?
I thought this was one of the main selling features of the Echo & Echo Dots? One of the things that makes it better than a Google Home?
There is a lot of great abilities way beyond Home can do at the present moment but synchronous music has not been a priority. Amazon will most likely add this ability once a good amount of customers ask for this feature. But...... But Sono has the ability...

Amazon Echo Now Lets You Control Your Sonos Speakers

Laughter is the key to happiness
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Well bummer! Hopefully, Amazon will see the benefit in synchronous music and add that feature in a future update.
If I were a betting man I'd say its will, since they sell them in six packs... I have 3 plus a Fire TV and they're of course on the same network, but I only use one to control the JBL BT speakers for music.

Sent by my new S7-Edge
Yeah, We are using it Amazon Echo Dot. It is a good device for listening to music, news, weather and more fun. Amazon echo dot support helped me to connect the device with Alexa. Dot is an amazing device for the smart home.
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amazons own support has always been pretty good. they will call you and help you with the setup if you are having problems. I had to use them one time because the echo could not pronounce the name of the city I live in properly. after emailing them with the phonic spelling, it was fixed.