amazon mp3 error

Anyone else getting fc when opening amazon mp3. Just started happening today.

Have you tried doing a simple reset (on/off) of your device? This usually fixes most force close errors.

My own 2 cents worth: Use Amazon MP3 on line and download it to your computer and then to your device. That way you have a back up.
Yeah cause most people don't even use the Amazon mp3 app lol I would just do what Hook said.

80% of the time, it's removed from all these custom roms cause it's just about useless.
Ha, I do just the opposite....I download on my droid and then put it on my my computer
Ok. Reset phone and took battery out and still won't open. Just says. Sorry the application amazon mp3 has stopped unexpectibly. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this. Thanks
You don't need Amazon MP3 actually. Just go to the market and download Amazon, you can buy songs from that.
Can anyone tell me how to remove Amazon from my phone? It's not in the applications menu. I haven't put any music on my phone and not sure if I'll use it and would like to free up space. Also, does it take up space?