Android still has horrible text messaging bugs..


Nov 20, 2010
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Pardon us if the headline is a little sensational, but this is one that we've personally experienced -- and it's not pretty. For at least the last couple versions, Android has been plagued with a couple extremely serious bugs in its text messaging subsystem that can ultimately end up causing you to text the wrong contact -- even contacts that you've never texted before. There appear to be a few failure modes; the one we definitely experience on the Gingerbread-powered Nexus S involves being routed to the wrong thread when you tap it either in the Notifications list or the master thread list in the Messaging application, so if you don't notice, you'll end up firing a message to the wrong person.

More seriously, though, there's also an open issue in Android's bug tracking system -- inexplicably marked "medium" priority -- where sent text messages can appear to be in the correct thread and still end up being sent to another contact altogether. In other words, unless you pull up the Message Details screen after the fact, you might not even know the grievous act you've committed until your boss, significant other, or best friend -- make that former best friend -- texts you back. There seem to have been some attempts on Google's part over the year to fix it; we can't confirm that it still happens in 2.3, but for what it's worth, the issue hasn't been marked resolved in Google Code... and it was opened some six months ago.

This is akin to an alarm clock that occasionally won't go off (we've been there) or a car that randomly won't let you turn the steering wheel -- you simply cannot have a phone that you can't trust to communicate with the right people. It's a deal-breaker. We're pretty shocked that these issues weren't tied up and blasted to all affected phones as an over-the-air patch months ago, but whatever the reason, we'd like to see Google, manufacturers, and carriers drop every other Android update they're working on and make sure this is completely resolved immediately.
Android still has horrible text messaging bugs that'll get you fired, busted, or otherwise embarrassed -- Engadget

I can totally relate to this back when I had my Evo lol.. it got to a point where I would have to verify and make sure it was the right person I was texting, although I haven't delt with this using Google Voice so thats a plus.
Never had an issue with texting on my D1, DI or X.....
Yeah, never had this problem. First I'm hearing of this.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Not one single problem to report in regard to texting. My messages all get delivered, including MMS and I don't miss any.

Perhaps Apple fanboi behind the wheel on that Engadget article??
I was dating 4 girls a couple 5 months ago. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I had just met, and asked out various girls, within days of each other. Busy week truthfully, Tuesday date with 1 girl, Asked 2 girls out on Wednesday, had a previously made date on Thursday (but got stood up). Not trying to brag persay, just showing how I could get myself screwed up like I did. All of them were first dates, so I wasn't cheating or anything like that.

Well, it wasn't a bug in the text messaging, it was my dumb butt trying to text without my glasses on while I was laying down for the night. I am so blind that I have to hold my keypad VERY close to my face to see the letters. I didn't even notice that I accidentally texted a response intended for girl #3 to girl #4. She wasn't too thrilled I had a date the night before me and her had planned to go out.

meh, oh well. I dated girl #3 for another 2 months, never did go out with the girl #4.

I have since figured out ways to customize background pics for each individual within handcent, but just a little too late.

That, and I won't text without my glasses or contacts anymore. haha
I was dating 4 girls a couple 5 months ago. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I had just met, and asked out various girls, within days of each other. Busy week truthfully, Tuesday date with 1 girl, Asked 2 girls out on Wednesday, had a previously made date on Thursday (but got stood up). Not trying to brag persay, just showing how I could get myself screwed up like I did. All of them were first dates, so I wasn't cheating or anything like that.

Well, it wasn't a bug in the text messaging, it was my dumb butt trying to text without my glasses on while I was laying down for the night. I am so blind that I have to hold my keypad VERY close to my face to see the letters. I didn't even notice that I accidentally texted a response intended for girl #3 to girl #4. She wasn't too thrilled I had a date the night before me and her had planned to go out.

meh, oh well. I dated girl #3 for another 2 months, never did go out with the girl #3.

I have since figured out ways to customize background pics for each individual within handcent, but just a little too late.

That, and I won't text without my glasses or contacts anymore. haha

ROFLOL, ok Stud. BTW did you have your glasses on or off when you asked these girls out?:rofl3:
I only date lookers... The girls may have needed glasses though. lol

Trust me, though, the other 51 weeks of the year is pretty lame. Must have been all the planets aligned correctly, a full moon, and a lack of good lighting in the places I met the 4 girls...
I definitely had this problem when I first got my droid, but havent noticed it in a while. I would text someone and it would go to someone else, sometimes I would hit someones name and it would call someone else too. I do use a different text addon now so maybe that's why my problem went away?
Myself and my co-worker both had this issue. Turned phone off and back on to fix it, since then I haven't had it happen again.
I've had this problem. I sent my boss a picture of me giving the finger to the camera. Yeah... it wasn't pretty. Basically, I got a text from a friend, clicked on it, and sent the pic - and it sent it to my boss. Boss was good natured about it but that was really embarrassing. :p
My text app will open to a random text ten percent of the time, instead of the one I clicked on.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums App
Never sent a wrong text but my phone often opens the wrong messages, more so when I go through the menu quickly.

Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1Ghz