android_vendor_cvpcs / CHANGELOG

Would be awesome if it came out tmw. And if it would work with the newest version of rom manager.
Can't wait for 1.0! I've been loving 0.9.5 but missing my themes. <3 Sapphire team, keep up the awesome work.
To be honest, v1.0 is just another step to me. This ROM works so wonderfully well. I'm sure it's gonna be a hoot to run 1.0 but I'm perfectly happy as it is. I'll just take it as it comes.... lol
Cvpcs said on IRC today, Sapphire 1.0 will either be out tomorrow or Thursday.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

Yay I hope it's tomorrow being only a few hours away :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

He's probably waiting for me to get back from my vacation so I can download from my wifi connection. ;)

Now why would he do that? He wouldn't want to keep me waiting just so you can use your precious wifi :p
1320mhz kernels? :icon_ devil: that's pushing the envelope
There will probably be a 1.0.1 because of the frg22 release today.