Another Root trick for Win7

i was able to delete the file but this is not working for me nothing is so far

You gotta keep in mind this is a work in progress right now.
It took me 10 hours to do it yesterday and I've spent another 5 hours today trying to help everyone else find ways around it.
You either have to get lucky or be patient. Or both.

In the other thread, you said you didn't have SDK installed because you were directed not to do so. You have to install that. It could be your whole problem.
Read the directions, read them again, then try to root while you read them again. And if I was you I'd focus on the 10 minute video while keeping in mind all the little tips and tricks we're coming up with.
It's either gonna take some patience or you could always just wait until there's a more automated method. Depends on you. Personally, I decided halfway through that I wouldn't let my phone win:)
Take ownership in windows 7

. If you need helping with permissions, let me know. I don't know how much you know about windows.

Well I have no clue how to delete it I get an error saying "You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this file"

Go here download and install and you will have take ownership on context menu. Just right click the file choose take ownership then you can delete it or rename it. ;) Add Take Ownership Option Shortcut in Right Click Menu of Windows 7

Randy T.
awesome randy ty! installed fine and i now have that option in my right click menu :D
you are welcome

awesome randy ty! installed fine and i now have that option in my right click menu :D

Glad to be able to give back something no matter how small after all the ones here have helped me :p play it forward eh? :p

Randy T.
I was finally able to get it to work by using shamus' method of deleting usbstor.sys and combining that with turning off all the radios on the phone (not using airplane mode, but actually shutting off data, bluetooth, location services, gps, everything I could turn off) and using a PNY 2GB sd card (not sure if the card had anything to do with it, but that is what I was using). I also powered off by pulling the battery, not shutting down.
Yes I got it to work "once" and got root...

I was finally able to get it to work by using shamus' method of deleting usbstor.sys and combining that with turning off all the radios on the phone (not using airplane mode, but actually shutting off data, bluetooth, location services, gps, everything I could turn off) and using a PNY 2GB sd card (not sure if the card had anything to do with it, but that is what I was using). I also powered off by pulling the battery, not shutting down.

Yes I was able to root the phone once using that method but I'll be damn if I can reproduce it. I even turned usbstor off in the registry but then it would still see it as a mass storage device it just would not install ANY driver ...grin...I still think the easiest way right now to get to root is a good old fashioned hammer :p Not a prob, I'm sure the code geni's that are around will crack it. ;)

Randy T.
I was finally able to get it to work by using shamus' method of deleting usbstor.sys and combining that with turning off all the radios on the phone (not using airplane mode, but actually shutting off data, bluetooth, location services, gps, everything I could turn off) and using a PNY 2GB sd card (not sure if the card had anything to do with it, but that is what I was using). I also powered off by pulling the battery, not shutting down.

Yes I was able to root the phone once using that method but I'll be damn if I can reproduce it. I even turned usbstor off in the registry but then it would still see it as a mass storage device it just would not install ANY driver ...grin...I still think the easiest way right now to get to root is a good old fashioned hammer :p Not a prob, I'm sure the code geni's that are around will crack it. ;)

Randy T.

Yeah, I got in once using just the usbstore.sys method, and the phone accidentally rebooted itself while I was trying to complete the rest of the root process. That pissed me off, but after a bunch more tries and throwing in the other things like shutting down the radios, I was able to get in once again. This time I finished the root process, and now I have wifi tether which is the only reason I was trying to root in the first place. Now I'll be content to sit and wait for them to figure everything out and get some custom roms put together and a way to install them. The phone is actually pretty fast, so I don't feel a need to overclock it like I did my Droid. I would like some Froyo action on the phone, though. Upgrading to Froyo was a huge improvement on the Droid.
i tried it exactly like you said and the loop never changed :( my phone is never gonna get root lol

Did you figure out how to delete that file?

Yea man I got that file deleted, then did all yhe recovery stuff, and still nothing haha, I think ove tried every tutorial on here and haven't got it yet, I guess ill get something goin sooner or later lol, thanks man

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I was having a heck of a time until I did 2 things.

1.) I went through the ADB setup program, and I checked JUST the usb drivers, it failed, so I went into the settings, and checked the checkbox under there. I forget exactly what it was, but it finally allowed it to download and install them. Once that installed, bingo, I had the bootloader drivers and everything showing up perfect.

2.) After that, I used the cheap-o Walmart PNY 2gb card, and 2nd try I got in no problem.

Before this, I tried literally for days hours on hours to get it, and I could NOT get past the device not found. Doing the above was the key. :)
Weird - I never downloaded those drivers. I canceled out like the video and mine worked.
I wonder how many hours I could've saved myself:laugh:
Weird - I never downloaded those drivers. I canceled out like the video and mine worked.
I wonder how many hours I could've saved myself:laugh:

I think the drivers that are installed when you run the HTC Sync program as directed by the video work just as good as the drivers you can download via the sdk, maybe better.