Any chance of including DSP Manager in this ROM?


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Has adding DSP Manager to this ROM been considered? I know it can be added by copying the apk to system/apps, but it would be so much nicer if it was already in there...
Oh no, I thought I had found the last safe haven from that thing!
Obviously if lots want it, it's easy enough to just rip that out.
Although the system partition is pretty well filled, no idea what size space dsp needs.
Cu, you can also just make an update zip to flash after main install that will install it to system and set permissions.
If nobody else wants it in and you need help with the update zip creation, since I don't know what you do or don't know, I would be more than willing.

walkin the walk while tappin the talk
Ha! No worries. It sounds like it would be more painful for you for it to be installed by default ;)

I just found a version that I should be able to install by running the apk instead of dropping it into the system/apps folder. That is simple enough so I'll just do it that way.

DSP Manager Equalizer for Android - xda-developers