Any Solutions to MSCHAPV2 issue on 2.2

Feb 23, 2010
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I've searched through numerous threads and not found a solution. My corporate network is WPA with EAP of PEAP and phase 2 MSCHAPV2. Had no problem with this network before 2.2. Have not been able to connect since. Installed new certificates, reset my network password, forgot the network, restarted phone, etc. Not in that particular order, but I've gone through several evolutions of those steps in differing orders.

Is the problem with MSCHAPV2 and 2.2? Is there any fix?

I can connect to my network at home with no problems at all.

Moto Droid Stock 2.2
Droid X fails the 802.1x + EAP Wifi

I'm bouncing this thread in the hopes that someone out there has heard something better than what I've been able to find on this issue. It's driving me nuts that I can't get on the 802.1x / EAP wireless at my school, especially since I spend the majority of time in a classroom that gets virtually no 3G service...

I've found this thread, where some people are getting a fix:

App for Enterprise 802.1x WiFi Connectivity - Android Forums

...but I've tried both of the apps named and neither is working for me.

There's also this thread, from the Moto forums, acknowledging that there is a "known issue" with the DX remembering / saving the "mschapv2" setting in the wifi configuration of the phone...

Anyone heard anything new?
ttt just to see if anyone has had any luck yet. I've tried various other "solutions" with no luck.

I got an update to 2.2.1 this morning, but apparently this fix was not included. This is extremely frustrating.