Anyone else expending a battery problems?

No, but thanks for asking, it was my first accident ever. Now that I think of it, could it have been the curse of the RAZR? LOL.

I just always thought I would get into an accident using the GPS, and ironically I didnt.
That's good. I know it's a hassle to deal with a car accident, though.
Thankfully I have state farm. Had them since I started driving. I had a "no accident in ten years" waiver. So my premium stays. Best part is there was zero damage done to my car. His bumper was messed up
I gotta back Jimmy on this one

Having owned for 2 years each the Droid, Droid X, Razr Maxx, and now the Maxx HD; I gotta say Jimmy has valid points. Very positive experience with the first three phones, I loved android, and would never have considered anything other than Motorola. My razr maxx with Moto USB sycing of pix/video/music files under ICS was my happiest time! Ever since JellyBean, the maxx and maxx HD have been serious disappointments. I keep looking for another music player that will sync music files to external, I"m clearing the cache partition every few days. I just used the Maxx HD to video my son's graduation, and the phone did so poorly with the stage lighting, the video is basically white with some signs of movement; it's unviewable. And I'll never have that opportunity again. Never had that level of a problem with the video recorder of a cell phone.
Maybe I have a lemon; but I'm now on my third razr maxx HD phone; my first didn't recognized the microSD card; and the second one screen cracked while applying the screen protector with the squeegee; I was later charged $300 by VZW. So I don't dare ask for a replacement.
I hate the thought of buying an iPHone, but Google has become the very thing despised about Apple; the deception re. built-in obsolence by design, forcing yearly replacement of the phones. We should be told these phones will fail in a year; that's fine, as long as manufacturers notify us. Now VZW has Early Edge program to get you every year.
Having owned for 2 years each the Droid, Droid X, Razr Maxx, and now the Maxx HD; I gotta say Jimmy has valid points. Very positive experience with the first three phones, I loved android, and would never have considered anything other than Motorola. My razr maxx with Moto USB sycing of pix/video/music files under ICS was my happiest time! Ever since JellyBean, the maxx and maxx HD have been serious disappointments. I keep looking for another music player that will sync music files to external, I"m clearing the cache partition every few days. I just used the Maxx HD to video my son's graduation, and the phone did so poorly with the stage lighting, the video is basically white with some signs of movement; it's unviewable. And I'll never have that opportunity again. Never had that level of a problem with the video recorder of a cell phone.
Maybe I have a lemon; but I'm now on my third razr maxx HD phone; my first didn't recognized the microSD card; and the second one screen cracked while applying the screen protector with the squeegee; I was later charged $300 by VZW. So I don't dare ask for a replacement.
I hate the thought of buying an iPHone, but Google has become the very thing despised about Apple; the deception re. built-in obsolence by design, forcing yearly replacement of the phones. We should be told these phones will fail in a year; that's fine, as long as manufacturers notify us. Now VZW has Early Edge program to get you every year.

Ok, just now looking over the posts I see Jimmy has expressed his concerns quite freely for some while I share his level of concern, I can also understand the fanboy accusations. Happy Holiday season everyone...Peace on earth. I appreciate this forum community which has helped me bigtime over the years! :hail:
Ok, just now looking over the posts I see Jimmy has expressed his concerns quite freely for some while I share his level of concern, I can also understand the fanboy accusations. Happy Holiday season everyone...Peace on earth. I appreciate this forum community which has helped me bigtime over the years! :hail:

Please see my post relative to this topic in the other thread. The best solution for the Razr Maxx family is CyanogenMod.
I wouldn't do a FDR. It's probably a bad app. I think there is a battery eating bug in Isis Wallet. Have you used Isis Wallet? After I use my battery life seems to drop much faster than normal. The problem is the battery usage doesn't show under Isis Wallet. I think the bug causes some loop in the Android system - just a guess. Anyway, after I reboot and don't open Isis Wallet I'm fine until I do. I would uninstall it but 20% back on all purchases with my AmEx Serv until the end of January is pretty awesome. I'm hoping for an update to fix this.

So if you have Isis Wallet reboot and don't open Isis Wallet for a few days and see if you're battery life is back to awesome. Post if that seems to do the trick.
Just I get upset when you come to a forum for help, and fanboys are constantly knocking you around as if this phone is gold or something. And as for returning to the main screen, its horrendously slow.

And Pere, you say this phone is not a computer? I beg to differ, its really a microcomputer with the function to call phone numbers.

Look at the specs. Its a computer. A dumb phone, you would be right, like a flip phone from a few years ago, but these are mini computers.
Just I get upset when you come to a forum for help, and fanboys are constantly knocking you around as if this phone is gold or something. And as for returning to the main screen, its horrendously slow.

I'm really not trying to be a fanboi. I really hate fanbois. But I just do not experience all the issues you do. Mine pops back to main screen very fast. Now granted I am ROM'ed and ROOTed so I really try not to comment too much about these issues. But I was stock for a long time and still did not have the issues that you have had.
I've been with Android since Day 1. The original Droid. Then the Incredible 2 which was good, but not great. Compared to that, the HD is miles above it.

As for the iPhone being so much better... trust me the video sucks bad. A friend of mine at work recorded a co worker in his band and it was pure crap. Unwatchable.
I actually don't hate the iPhone. I really don't. But there's no way I would own one. You can even arrange ICONS the way you want to. It's just so ridiculously restricted.
I been noticing over the last few months my battery not living up to what it once was. Anyone else?

Don't know if this pertains to you; but recently uninstalling Facebook, Weatherbug, and some other apps I didn't really need, seems to have made a difference in my battery life and lagginess..haven't needed to clear cache partition as frequently, it seems. I read somewhere that those two are notorious resource Facebook was starting to take over my life. much happier without it on the phone.
Don't know if this pertains to you; but recently uninstalling Facebook, Weatherbug, and some other apps I didn't really need, seems to have made a difference in my battery life and lagginess..haven't needed to clear cache partition as frequently, it seems. I read somewhere that those two are notorious resource Facebook was starting to take over my life. much happier without it on the phone.

I'm with Jimmy. This phone sucks. Thinking I'll reactivate my trusty old Droid X.

Sent from my RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2
Where can I get a new battery professionally installed or trade in my RMHD for a refurbished device with a brand new battery onboard. My RMHD is two years old now and the battery is getting noticeably worn out. I've done FDRs numerous times to get rid of unwanted junk. So I'm pretty sure the battery is just old. I love the phone but Motorola has been dropping the ball big time with their newest devices so I can't get a new moto phone. Anyone know??