Anyone have one of the Seidio cases?


Nov 18, 2009
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I'm going from my OG Droid to the Nexus and need a case. I saw these on the Seidio site but they are not showing up under the Verizon section which as me worried abotu whether or not they will fit the LTE version with the extended battery.

Anyone have one of these?



I have used the surface on my OG Droid. I ordered the Surface combo and should be here in a day or two. I don't have an extended battery though. I use two standard batteries.
I just ordered the Seido Surface combo and a Skinomi screen protector.

I have never seen this case for the GNex, but have had good luck with Seido cases before so I am trying it out. Has to be better than the high dollar garbage at the VZW stores.

The Skinomi I am taking a flyer on as well, but I want to at least try a screen protector. If the Seido case provides enough of a "lip" to protect the screen I may not even use it. Will advise once I get it. Probably middle of next week.
I ordered the surface case but it won't be here for several days. Once I get it, I'll post some pics of it and see if it fits with the extended battery.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I e-mailed Seidio and was told the Surface case does not fit with the extended battery. Perhaps (hopefully) someone can prove otherwise, but that's their word for now.
I e-mailed Seidio and was told the Surface case does not fit with the extended battery. Perhaps (hopefully) someone can prove otherwise, but that's their word for now.

I just got the same thing. They said that their cases will fit the Verizon LTE version of the phone even though it is slightly thicker, however it won't fit with the extended battery installed.

I think that most of the case manufacturers who are saying their case won't fit the GNex with the extended battery are used to other phones where the change is so dramatic that they don't understand how small the difference is on this phone. However Seidio looks like their cases really follow the lines of the GNex and probably won't fit without taking the battery cover off.

My chat with their tech support:

Please wait for the next available representative…
Matt: I am looking at buying either the Active or Surface case for my new Galaxy Nexus but I have a couple questions.
You are next in queue. We will be with you in just a moment.
Risa: Hello! Thank you for contacting Seidio Online! How can I help you today?
Risa: Sure! How can I help you?
Matt: 1) There are two versions of the Galaxy Nexus, GSM, and the LTE version on Verizon. IThe LTE version on Verizon is supposed to be a little bit thicker. Do these cases still fit it?
Risa: Yes, our cases fit all versions of the Galaxy Nexus that are currently available, including the Verizon version.
Matt: 2) I have the extended battery installed and it looks pretty much identical to the profile with the regular battery installed. Do these cases fit over the extended battery?
Risa: No, unfortunately not.
Matt: ok. So they will fit the Verizon version, but not with the extended batery. Thanks for your help.
The extended battery will fit inside the Seidio surface case if you take off the battery cover. It will *almost* fit if you put the standard battery cover on over the extended battery (this works, but it is a very tight fit). Given that the case has a felt-like lining inside it it has been speculated that if you were to scrape that off (the older seidio cases didn't have it anyway) you could probably fit the phone into the case with the extended battery and the standard battery cover. That is what I plan to do as I don't like the idea of going without a battery cover if only because I don't want pocket lint to get in under the case and into the phone's internals.

For more info here is a video review of the case with a discussion of this very issue in the comments.

For more info here is a video review of the case with a discussion of this very issue in the comments.

Thanks! That video is perfect. I'm with you on leaving the battery cover off, not sure if that's something I want to do.

In the comments they are discussing using the standard battery cover with the extended battery in the device and that the case works in that configuration. Anyone on here done that?
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The Silicon case from VZW works with both the Standard and Extended batteries. My GF bought it for me, I facepalmed (inside my head) because it wasn't a seidio or another name brand..but it is actually REALLY good! I love it, it looks great, the grip is excellent (not slippery), and I will be sticking with it.

repost from another thread:

Thought I'd add my .02 cents.

I returned the Otter box That I bought at VZW mainly because of the built in screen protector. Otter box said to me that it guaranteed for one year and will replace if it scratches.The other main reason for the return was the belt holster.
I never felt that it held the phone in place securely compared the the Seidio case the I had on my DX.
So I stopped on by Android Central and bought the Seidio case and Holster combo.
I was a bit hesitant because at the time the only surface case they had was a purple color, its a dark purple and looks kind of rich not to happy looking (pc). The Holster is black.
I also HAVE the EXtended battery.
At first the fit was a bit to tight for the surface case buy it does go on. This morning I made a alteration.
On the inside of the surface case they have some glued on felt. The felt had impressions from where the battery cover was pressing to hard so I removed two strips of the protection felt,About 3/8 of and inch on both edges,top to bottom, portrait position.
My past experience with the surface case was that the molded clips that hold the case together tend to wear out, To many battery pulls .I expect to have to buy a new case in a few months when they go on sale so I'm more than happy with the current case. I may still remove a bit more of the protection felt to make for a better fit.

The End.
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great protection and the surface is only 1mm thick. Only problem i had with my droid one is the tabs broke, but those involved moving parts which is a design flaw imo of the d1. Precise fit, one of the few to actually let you touch the buttons. the active is silicon and metal i think, a two piece case. more durable/shock absorbing but bigger. With the surface it appears the nexus still looks like a nexus, only problem is the only people that have them are seidio themselves and they charge shipping and tax...up to 40 bucks then...
Just ordered the Seidio Active combo (pricey bastard). I did my homework and it fits tightly with the extended battery/cover. With the stock cover/extended battery it fits perfect. I currently have the Incipio Scyrillex (sp?) and its a nice case, but the lack of side support from the hard shell was the reason for moving to the Seidio Active, also the belt holster is nice, on my second screen protector already (pockets always empty, yet they scratch like its full of sand).

Anyways, from what I have researched the Active case fits the extended, the Surface case will fit but requires either modding the inside (removing felt) or going doorless on the extended battery.. not sure if it fits with the stock battery door/extended battery but it might.
I am using the extended battery in the surface case with the standard battery door. It's a tight fit, but it fits.