Anyone here?


New Member
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
OK...I'm new to the board but don't see anything new in the Revolution group.
Is there anyone here?
Or is it just that there's nothing really new to say?

There hasn't been any news until yesterday where the rumored release date now seems to be next Thursday the 12th. But since the Droid charge (which was supposed be out last week hasn't yet hit the shelves it's anyone's guess.
I went to my local target looking for the charge and the lady mentioned she had the Revolution in back already. So the 12th could work out as it stands now but again with the charge release any day now I'm not sure if verizon will release 2 4G phones on the same day.
I am interested in checking it out, need to compare it since I got rid of my TB.
I have used Bing, on my Google Phones and that's at my choosing. I do draw the line and Verizon sticking 17 Bloatware Apps on a phone that already has LIMITED internal storage, add forced Bing and your got a stinker. Perhaps the SG2 will be a true google phone, IF we get it.