AOKP Rom Now with Nightly Updates!


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Oct 6, 2011
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AOKP Rom fans will be excited to hear that Team Kang is beginning to rollout nightly updates! Android Open Kang Project is a highly popular Rom that was birthed out of frustration when other major roms failed to remain relevant and inovative! The Rom quickly gained a huge following and is now almost if not more widely used then Cyanogen. AOKP has not been nightly but with Jelly Bean and the addition of new developers, contributions are coming in much faster. Builds will now complile automatically along with changelogs. These will not happen every night but more likely every other night for now. This is pretty exciting as it will simplify development for those on Team Kang and should make for a better overall experience for the end user as well.

via Rootzwiki


AOKP Rom fans will be excited to hear that Team Kang is beginning to rollout nightly updates! Android Open Kang Project is a highly popular Rom that was birthed out of frustration when other major roms failed to remain relevant and inovative! The Rom quickly gained a huge following and is now almost if not more widely used then Cyanogen. AOKP has not been nightly but with Jelly Bean and the addition of new developers, contributions are coming in much faster. Builds will now complile automatically along with changelogs. These will not happen every night but more likely every other night for now. This is pretty exciting as it will simplify development for those on Team Kang and should make for a better overall experience for the end user as well.

via Rootzwiki

SWEET! Running Milestone 6 now, but nightlys are always fun once in a while.

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I don't know if its more popular than CM, but it is definitely popular. I ran it on my DX and I'll give both AOKP and CM10 a try when I feel they are super stable. I think AOKP just brings in more customizations than CM does. That being said, they are both amazing ROMs.