[ROM] (AOKP) SKYL1N3 Status ONline,Links ONline

I have a question I have three drive shown but cannot load on the ext sd card only pic. the phone shows internal 10.5 gb sd card which i believe is part of phone men. and ext. sd card 15.9 gb free and have tried to load this fix on it but does not get on there. how ever it does and works on internal mem.

can i load into the ext. mem and how?

using droid 4 moto and verizon
Zack mentioned a while back that he didnt like safestrap or use safestrap. What would need to be done to install a rom without safestrap? He mentioned if anything went wrong then he could fastboot back to stock. Etc.. I am curious if performance is better...
Zack mentioned a while back that he didnt like safestrap or use safestrap. What would need to be done to install a rom without safestrap? He mentioned if anything went wrong then he could fastboot back to stock. Etc.. I am curious if performance is better...

Safestrap has worked fine for me on this ROM, I can't attest to any difference in performance between that or using just CWM or some other method of flashing, but as far as I've seen, this ROM works great, no performance issues what-so-ever, aside from an occasional random reboot, but that is a rare occurrence. One thing I will say is I think the links to the ROMs are on page 33 or somewhere right around there. Do not download the the one that just says AOKP-SKYLINE-PHASE2, download the one that is called AOKP-SKYLINE-PHASE2-1320...something is wrong with the first one I listed, either your data will drop constantly and require a reboot, or you'll be getting random force closes, or some combination of the sorts, either way do not flash that one. But I've been running the 1320 for almost a month now and it works awesome, much better than any other ROM i've used for this phone so far. Battery life is acceptable, better than almost all other ROMs I've used for this phone, the ROM is speedy and AOKP's customizations are awesome.
Just tried this briefly, for some reason the Home button doesn't work no matter what launcher I use. Also, Playstore keeps timing out so I can't connect to it. Wipe, flash, repeat. No change.

I love the abundance of options, I can't wait for Zach's new roms to come out.

Hey Zach, you're killing me! You started a new thread for upcoming stuff, if you need someone to test roms I'm up for it.
Thank you for the information you provided. I think because i am equally anxious for Zack's new rom that i am having flash withdrawls. Do you use SS2.x or 3.x? I was using skyline AOKP in slot1, HD in slot2, and CNA slot3. No problems with the roms but started messing with 4.2 cam and started wondering about Zack saying he didnt use safestrap. I thought maybe then 4.2 cam would work. Knew id most likely be wrong lol
got D4HD on slot 1 and this on slot 2.. missed all the customization that this rom offers:biggrin:
lost my phone at bottom icon

don't know quite what happened but did a reboot and lost my telelphone?

I do have a problem i somehow turned of the sound when an incomming txt does anyone know how to turn back on?
We're waiting for your new stuff, so in the meantime they use this.

Well I'm seeing how 4.2.1 aosp goes might have to bring it down to 4.1.2 blame Motorola for being douche bags oh man I've said to much already
Everyone who has a rooted droid 4 is eagerly anticipating a finalized JB rom. Last we heard you were gonna start a new forum post in the near future.
Everyone who has a rooted droid 4 is eagerly anticipating a finalized JB rom. Last we heard you were gonna start a new forum post in the near future.

Believe me its coming like I promised, if I wasn't going to do anything for you guys anymore I would of said so and not bothered coming over here