Apex 2.0 RC1 Port?

I second this. I'm loving the beta I would really like an official leak. Do you think Jboxe's DxtoD2gb zip would work? Can't wait for it

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I second this. I'm loving the beta I would really like an official leak. Do you think Jboxe's DxtoD2gb zip would work? Can't wait for it

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums

It installed and rebooted fine when i did it, but i didn't have data so I couldn't sign into my google. (I don't have wifi to see if that worked though)

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Sold my year old D2 for $150, bought a month old x for $125. Craigslist ftw!

Dev support, HDMI + Netflix, larger screen. I don't miss the physical keyboard at all. You get used to the virtual keyboard quickly. Its faster and more user friendly by not having to flip the phone, slide it open, and close it to do anything. Make the switch, u won't regret it.

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