App to lock while on a call?


Dec 11, 2009
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Hi guys, new to the forum and hoping for a little bit of help. I have not yet found a program that locks the call screen while on a call. I seem to move the phone a good bit while talking, causing the phone to unlock itself, and my cheek bumps the mute button, or hang up button, or other random numbers. I tried pressing the power button while on the call and that used to work on 2.0 for me I believe, but now with 2.0.1, it doesn't seem to work anymore (could be another app taking control over a call? not sure)

Anyone have any suggestions? The sooner the better. Thanks in advance!
I know using a BT headpiece it still allows you to lock it while on call in 2.0.1. Just tested without it and you are right, it doesn't allow you to lock it.
I know using a BT headpiece it still allows you to lock it while on call in 2.0.1. Just tested without it and you are right, it doesn't allow you to lock it.

Which I don't quite understand. The proximity sensor is a great idea, but I end up hitting something with my cheek on almost every call and hanging up on people. I would MUCH rather have to unlock the phone to use the keypad than have the phone always unlocked on a call.
Seems your phone is misbehaving. If the prox sensor is functioning correctly you shouldn't have any problem with touching it to your cheek. That being said, if you don't wish to return it and get a different device... you can always push the lock button on the top of the screen. I am not aware of any app that will do it automatically. As a matter of fact, many on here have the exact opposite problem where the screen becomes unresponsive during calls.
Seems your phone is misbehaving. If the prox sensor is functioning correctly you shouldn't have any problem with touching it to your cheek. That being said, if you don't wish to return it and get a different device... you can always push the lock button on the top of the screen. I am not aware of any app that will do it automatically. As a matter of fact, many on here have the exact opposite problem where the screen becomes unresponsive during calls.

The lock button only turns off the screen while on a call, it doesn't bring up the lock screen. The problem is the screen turns off when I put it up to my face, but if I move it a little, the phone thinks it's away from my ear and turns the screen on and than buttons can get pressed.
If you push the lock button it turns off the screen. If you do this after the call is connected, it won't turn back on until you push the button again. I just tested it three times.
If you push the lock button it turns off the screen. If you do this after the call is connected, it won't turn back on until you push the button again. I just tested it three times.

Just tested it on mine 3 times and if I place the call and press the power button, it turns off the screen. I hold it up to my ear and move it away and the screen lights back up to the current call screen.

What SW are you on? Are you rooted?
aaaahhhhh the same thing is happening to me and it's driving me crazy. the only way i don't hang up on someone is if i'm on speaker. i don't want a bluetooth, i just want a phone that lets me make calls without sitting statue still. even if i hit the power button to lock, it unlocks when it thinks my face is away from the phone. i called verizon and they told me to get a headset.
i tried call caddy, and it just muted my call instead of hanging up on them. not sure which is better. . .
I'm having this same problem and it's driving me insane.
I had the same problem and I found a solution. Once you're connected to the call, hit the home button to go to your homescreen. Hit the power button and it will be locked. To unlock you'll need to slide the lock screen. In other ways no possibility of pocket dialing.
Same here. I'm not sure how many times we have hung up on people. It's frustrating. Is this a problem that can be fixed with an update?
I had the same problem and I found a solution. Once you're connected to the call, hit the home button to go to your homescreen. Hit the power button and it will be locked. To unlock you'll need to slide the lock screen. In other ways no possibility of pocket dialing.

seems like a lot just to make/recieve a call? i have the same problem as everyone else on everycall..either i end it or mute it.. someone should make an app that LOCKS phone on calls and if you need to dial numbers you jsut unlock lg dare would LOCK when in a call and i never had any problems. or an update would be good too
I've been having the same miserable problems, hanging up, accidentally hitting mute, dialing random numbers, which I notice no one can hear me when I push them by accident with my cheek, as well as accidentally hitting the blue tooth button with my cheek, which I notice I can't hear the person until I figure out that's what I did :mad: urgh!! But I've learned how to fix it.

So here's a mini solution I found... once u place the call (or answer a call) hit the lock button on the top right, which is also the power button. What will happen is it will temporarily lock your phone (the screen will go totally dark & you can bump it with your cheek & it will not light up). When you move it about 2inches away from your face, it will unlock... so you will have to get used to repeatedly locking it (if you have a habit of moving that much), but HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS... for the most part, it should stay locked. I noticed it doesn't unlock unless you really move it far away from your face. I've tried & tested it. I moved around, bumped it with my cheek, touched it while it was on my ear, and I even held the phone against my ear with my shoulder (instead of my hand), and it still stayed locked (& the screen was still totally dark).

Once I moved it about 1-2 inches away from my face, that's when it lit up & became unlocked & the buttons were once again pressable. I believe they made the phone like this so that it would be easy to access the keypad without having to unlock your phone. So when your phone thinks you are about to dial or access the buttons, it automatically locks for you. It's a responsive/reactive phone. It will react to your motions. (If you ever seen a website that has a popup every time you are about to exit out of the site, think of this phone like that.) When the phone thinks you are about to hang up or dial a button, it unlocks. So if you don't want that to happen, then as soon as you see it unlock (& the screen lights up), just hit the lock button, and it will be locked again. :)