Apple Denied Rights To "Multi-touch"


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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The term multi-touch, since originally being used on the iPhone, has become widely used by many different areas of communications (phones, tablets, computers, etc.). Thanks to that fact, Apple was denied the rights to the term after their appeal to the US Patent Office of Appeal was reviewed recently. The judge that decided could not be awarded to Apple said;
Thus, from the foregoing, we find that “multi-touch” not only identifies the technology, but also describes how a user of the goods operates the device. Based on the evidence discussed above, as well as other evidence in the record, we agree with the examining attorney that MULTI-TOUCH indeed is highly descriptive of a feature of the identified goods. We now consider whether applicant has submitted sufficient evidence to establish acquired distinctiveness of this highly descriptive term.
This means Apple must either prove that that two words put together really is something that they created and use the most, otherwise, they cannot own rights to it.

This, if it had gone through, would just mean that we cannot use the term "multi-touch" anymore for all the rumored phones, or even say it without using Apple's word-- and that's not right.

Via: Macrumors
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good, the prices they are paying lawyers all rolls into the cost of phones.
Just build us some amazing devices and quit suing everyone
Actually, this isn't Apple being denied the patent for multi-touch, its a denial for a trademark on the term "multi-touch" If Apple would have won, they really couldn't sue anyone for having the multi-touch function on their device, but other OEMs would have had to call it something other than "multi-touch" I like seeing Apple defeated at every legal turn possible, but what you posted isn't an accurate depiction of what happened.
Actually, this isn't Apple being denied the patent for multi-touch, its a denial for a trademark on the term "multi-touch" If Apple would have won, they really couldn't sue anyone for having the multi-touch function on their device, but other OEMs would have had to call it something other than "multi-touch" I like seeing Apple defeated at every legal turn possible, but what you posted isn't an accurate depiction of what happened.
Yikes, I read it wrong. Fixed though :)
One thing I will give Apple credit for....they try their hardest to cover every angle, pun
One thing I will give Apple credit for....they try their hardest to cover every angle, pun

I seem to remember they released the iPhone 4 and it was promptly dubbed: "the iPhone 4; you are holding it wrong!" Apple covers all angles and corners just fine in legality concerns; perhaps if they put that same emphasis on the products, they'd have more of a market share and feel less of a need for BS lawsuits.
I seem to remember they released the iPhone 4 and it was promptly dubbed: "the iPhone 4; you are holding it wrong!" Apple covers all angles and corners just fine in legality concerns; perhaps if they put that same emphasis on the products, they'd have more of a market share and feel less of a need for BS lawsuits.

Is not having marketshare really hurting them though? I don't think it is haha
Except mulit touch devices have been around before Apple put it on a phone.

It's not a patent suit, it's a trademark suit. They were trying to trademark the term multi-touch, not patent the technology.
I remember my HP Tocuhsmart Tx2 laptop touted the capability of "Multi-touch" but it looks like that was the end of 2008 and apple was already claiming to have "invented" it by 2007. SSoooo, never mind haha.
I remember my HP Tocuhsmart Tx2 laptop touted the capability of "Multi-touch" but it looks like that was the end of 2008 and apple was already claiming to have "invented" it by 2007. SSoooo, never mind haha.

haha yeah, Apple is (was) claiming that they made the term popular and therefore wanted the trademark. I agree with them because as far as I know it's never been used even if the tech existed long before iPhone.