Are there any cosmetic differences between the RAZR and RAZR MAXX?


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
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Like, if I were to buy a MAXX on craigslist, is there anyway the seller could be trying to sell me a normal RAZR and i'd be unable to tell just bylooking at it?

I can't really tell from the pictures I've seen online.
Someone else said in a post a couple weeks ago that the Motorola logo on the top front of the phone is different. On the Maxx the logo insert piece has a black background and silver letters, and the regular RAZR has a silver background with black letters.
I've been watching eBay for a Maxx and I see a bunch listed that look to me like Razr's.
Other than that, there's a unmistakable hump on the back of the RAZR that isn't there on the Maxx.
They definitely do not look the same. Go check them out at a Verizon store and u will be able to tell the difference.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
You can click each of the images below to see enlarged versions. The first image is best for viewing the profiles and differing thicknesses. In that image you can also see fairly clearly that the RAZR MAXX DOES get thicker as it nears the top, but only by about a mm or so, and very gradually.

View attachment 60502

Above - on the left, the Droid RAZR, on the right, the Droid RAZR MAXX
Notice the pronounced difference in thickness toward the top of the one on the left, versus the substantially thinner bottom, whereas the one on the right has (almost) no visible difference from bottom to top. Truth is, the MAXX is about 1 mm thicker at the top but it is such a gradual change in thickness most don't even notice it.

View attachment 60503

Above, on the left, the Droid RAZR MAXX, on the right, the Droid RAZR

View attachment 60504

Above, on the left, the Droid RAZR MAXX, on the right, the Droid RAZR
As mentioned above by Miklb58 the RAZR MAXX displays a reverse relief embossed White (not Silver), on brushed Black Motorola emblem above the earpiece,whereas the RAZR sports a reverse relief embossed Black on brushed Silver Motorola Emblem.

View attachment 60505

And finally, above, on the left Droid RAZR MAXX, on the right, the Droid RAZR
Looking straight on at the back as above, you can clearly see the "hump" at the top, but you MIGHT be able to also see the ever so slight and soft slope from about just above his thumb knuckle and ending about half-way above that between his knuckle and the first metal cross strip where the camera is located.

Hope that helps. :biggrin:
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Nope. That didn't help at all. :angry:

just kiddin'. thanks...i've never felt so enlightened before hahaha
Nope. That didn't help at all. :angry:

just kiddin'. thanks...i've never felt so enlightened before hahaha

:rofl3: :icon_ rofl: You got me good with that one:icon_ laughup:!! :clap:
:rofl3: :icon_ rofl: You got me good with that one:icon_ laughup:!! :clap:

Foxkat, ran across in the "other" menus where it had the capacity and part number of the battery have you found that and if yes refresh my memory? (Not quite as good as it once was)

If it's not HD it might as well be a newspaper.
Foxkat, ran across in the "other" menus where it had the capacity and part number of the battery have you found that and if yes refresh my memory? (Not quite as good as it once was)

Battery types and capacities (see images below - click to enlarge):

Droid RAZR, Motorola part number EB20; 1,780 mAh typical capacity, 1,750 mAh minimum capacity (when new), Li-Ion Polymer "Pouch Cell" battery

View attachment 60667 eb20 battery


Droid RAZR MAXX, Motorola part number EB40; 3,300 mAh typical capacity, 3,200 mAh minimum capacity (when new), Li-Ion Polymer "Pouch Cell" battery (85% more capacity)

View attachment 60668[URL=""]Droid-Razr-XT910-XT912 Battery EB40[/URL]
