Are there any stand alone battery chargers out there?

Dec 29, 2011
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I am trying to find a battery charger that will charge an extended battery or standard battery. I ordered one that had the dock for the phone and a battery charger on the back. The dock worked fine but the battery charger would not charge either battery. They sent me a replacement but it didn't work either. I have tried every configuration and it still does not charge the external battery. It is supposed to be for the Bionic but it will not work. I know Verizon has one but I am not sure if it will charge an extended battery; the slot for the battery may not be big enough. Has anyone bought a battery charger that works?
I have been using this one [h=1]Motorola 89508N Battery Dock since November. It came with a new standard battery as well as the charger. Sometimes it will only charge the extended battery to like 95% but that is pretty much the only issue that I have encountered with it. I had considered buying a Battery only charger but I wanted to get another battery as a backup. I am very pleased with the battery dock, fits both size batteries and works great.[/h]
I got my bionic at Costco and it came with that same charger. Mail in rebate so I haven't gotten it yet so I can't review though.

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I also use the Moto 89508N battery dock, it came with the Costco deal. It works well with my standard batteries. Plus, I can plug the phone into it and charge both batteries at the same time.