Astro/Gallery Question...

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Sin City, NV
A friend of mine wants to know is there anyway he can take a picture of something/someone and hide that image so that it's not in the gallery when he opens it up to show say, his daughter, to view a certain image.

I.E. He takes her to Elmo on Ice. He takes tons of pics with his phone. They go to his gallery. But he also has nudie pics on the phone. When he opens his gallery you see a top image that is in each of the various folders, (friends, family, camera, etc). Is there a way to hide the nudie pics so that they are on the phone...but not in the gallery?

Hope that makes sense lol.
Create a folder in Astro with all the pics he wants to hide and create a file in there called ".nomedia". I just created an empty zip file. That was the easiest thing for me to do. It's as simple as that. Everything in that folder won't show in the gallery. :)
Photo Safe on the market best couple buck i ever spent they also have a video safe
may be called PS retro
Created Folder "Personal" put pics in there that we don't want to show in gallery. Created new zip file (empty) named ".nomedia" ... minus " ". Pics are showing up in gallery. Is that wrong? it...i had to create a subfolder and put the zip file in there now it doesn't show up. thanks guys.

I just created a new folder on the SD, renamed it put the pictures in it and they don't show up in the gallery.

I found this on another site:
put all want to hide pictures in the same folder, name the folder starting with a period something like .mysecretporn

becaues it is a linux based file system folders that start with a period are considered hidden system files.
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all you need to do is make a folder called .anything and put pics in it... anything with a "." infront of the name wont show in the gallery
Gallery private is great it has a lot of options there's a free version which i use and you can set a fake password so if your daughter opened it, the fake password takes here to a game called bubble wrap which is quite fun actually. You can also change the icon picture and set your own icon name. I highly recommend you take a look at it.
I'm just really glad we actually CAN hide pictures from our gallery. I bet you anything that the people with their iPhones would have a really tough time figuring this one out...
I tried to make a folder with "." and it said i needed to pick a file name. ok used ".sneakystuff" wouldn't do it. created "personal" put my*hit with secret files and ".nomedia" zip in there with that one. not showing up in the gallery. Did it with just the ".nomedia" zip in the "Personal" folder and it all still showed up in the gallery. But I got it all set now. lol...I'm LOLing at the IPhone ppl. Sorry your antennae is buggy.
It's weird how it's doing weird things for you. Because everything in the folder with ".nomedia" is hidden from my gallery just fine.

My boyfriend has an iPhone. He's really jealous of me. :D It makes him consider getting an Android device on AT&T... Too bad they all suck right now...