AT&T Displays the Depths of Their Hypocrisy While Arguing with the FTC


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

If AT&T's newest blatant hypocrisy doesn't get you a little rankled, then you have tougher skin than we do. AT&T is back in the news basically thumbing their noses at the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) again. To reiterate, in the fall, the FTC sued AT&T for misleading its customers. The FTC's complaint hinges on the fact that AT&T charges its customers for "unlimited" data plans, yet reduces their data speeds by as much as 90 percent if they use too much of their “unlimited” data.

Not only is that obviously hypocritical, their most recent statement aimed at the FTC is even worse. Here's a quote with the details,

“AT&T plainly qualifies as a ‘common carrier’ for purposes of Section 5 because it provides mobile voice services subject to common-carrier regulation under Title II of the Communications Act,” AT&T wrote. “The fact that AT&T’s mobile data services are not regulated as common-carrier services under the Communications Act is irrelevant. The text, structure, history, and purpose of Section 5 leave no doubt that its common-carrier exemption turns on an entity’s ‘status as a common carrier subject to [an Act to regulate commerce],’ not its ‘activities subject to regulation under that Act.’”

So basically, AT&T is saying that the FTC doesn't have the authority to regulate them because they are a common carrier protected by the Title II classification of the FCC. Yet, out of the other side of their face, they have been desperately lobbying to make sure the FCC doesn't classify their Internet service under Title II.

You can't have it both ways. AT&T's shenanigans would make Emperor Palpatine's head spin...

Source: AT T defends unlimited data throttling says the FTC can t stop it Ars Technica
As evil as vzw can be, I was surprised to see how quickly they backed down from their intended throttling plan.

This is just the type of thing that makes me hate big corporations. Sure, many of them offer all sorts of useful and fun things, but they're constantly trying to bend and manipulate things in their favor so they can be sheisty and take advantage of the average citizen.

Don't go hiding behind something that you're also fighting to stay out from under.

And that's all the ranting I'll do here, since I'm not even an AT&T customer.
I remember the federal government telling Burger King , pre Obama,lose the trans fats in your menu or else. Burger King responded with basically the middle finger. Until the current administration took office BK got no further attempts to force a menu change and in the end the consumer wallet was what got things changed.
AT&T fears only the loss of Benjamin's and not the federal government in the least.

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Beast Mode 4
I personally don't think Verizon has "backed down" from their throttling plan. They may have said they did, but being a heavy data user, I can confirm that they throttle the crap out of me at home. (Where I use the bulk of my data.)
If you look at this screenshot of my history,

all of the single digit numbers are at home, double digits everywhere else.
As I've stated before, I'm ok with this, as long as those numbers don't drop much lower. I can still watch videos, YouTube, Netflix etc, with only the occasional buffering issue.
But for them to claim they aren't throttling their customers at all.....well, I call BS on that.

S5 tap'n
I'm not sure that is "throttling" so much as your home tower doesn't have the back haul to support the amount of customers on it.
I personally don't think Verizon has "backed down" from their throttling plan. They may have said they did, but being a heavy data user, I can confirm that they throttle the crap out of me at home. (Where I use the bulk of my data.)
If you look at this screenshot of my history,

all of the single digit numbers are at home, double digits everywhere else.
As I've stated before, I'm ok with this, as long as those numbers don't drop much lower. I can still watch videos, YouTube, Netflix etc, with only the occasional buffering issue.
But for them to claim they aren't throttling their customers at all.....well, I call BS on that.

S5 tap'n
thats funny that you say that. IM currently engaged in a BBB complaint against VZW for throttlingmy speed, i suggest you do the same. I dont think we should be getting swept under the rug, somehow mysteriously the original complaint I made was dismissed in favor of VZW, and I had to reopen it and escalate it, and the BBB doesnt know why it was even settled in favor of VZW in the first place. Big red is being shady,
ATT's weasel wording makes absolutely no sense. If Wheeler caves on Net Neutrality, the Carriers/ISPs will run roughshod over what is left of this country.
I can corroborate VZW throttling-I never had a problem with d/l speeds until the last several months-my speeds are pathetic-and that is regardless of my data usage. I rarely go over 4gb and I have the unlimited plan.
As soon as I find a Nexus 6, I am moving the family to T-mobile....
ATT's weasel wording makes absolutely no sense. If Wheeler caves on Net Neutrality, the Carriers/ISPs will run roughshod over what is left of this country.
I can corroborate VZW throttling-I never had a problem with d/l speeds until the last several months-my speeds are pathetic-and that is regardless of my data usage. I rarely go over 4gb and I have the unlimited plan.
As soon as I find a Nexus 6, I am moving the family to T-mobile....
I suggest you file a complaint with the BBB as well regarding Verizon throttling. *shakes fist*
I'm not sure that is "throttling" so much as your home tower doesn't have the back haul to support the amount of customers on it.
It's definitely throttling. My wife can be sitting next to me with the exact same phone on the exact same service, same unlimited and get at least twice those speeds. It's always been lower at home, but never this low.
(She doesn't usually go over 5-6 gig, I average 50+, so there's that.)

S5 tap'n
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It's definitely throttling. My wife can be sitting next to me with the exact same phone on the exact same service, sane unlimited and get at least twice those speeds. It's always been lower at home, but never this low.
(She doesn't usually go over 5-6 gig, I average 50+, so there's that.)

S5 tap'n
Time to get Internet service for your home.
I have internet service for my home, but in certain rooms the speeds are worse than 4G. That's besides the point. Verizon isn't supposed to be throttling its customers. Period.

S5 tap'n
I have internet service for my home, but in certain rooms the speeds are worse than 4G. That's besides the point. Verizon isn't supposed to be throttling its customers. Period.

S5 tap'n
Have you tried powering your phone off, remove the SIM card, power it back up, power down after a minute, put card back, power back up? Also if you switch SIM cards with her and hers suddenly slows, you're most likely being throttled .

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I'm not sure that is "throttling" so much as your home tower doesn't have the back haul to support the amount of customers on it.

Yep. I'm using a ton of data traveling more and have never noticed throttling....I'm hitting speeds over 30mbps while tethered.
Yep. I'm using a ton of data traveling more and have never noticed throttling....I'm hitting speeds over 30mbps while tethered.
My understanding of Verizon's original throttling plan was to throttle you on the particular tower in which you were using the majority of your data. (Until your next billing cycle) So in your case, (since you're traveling), your usage is spread out across multiple towers, in which case you're not putting up any "red flags" so to speak.
In my case, the majority of my usage is at home or work.

(We should probably move this discussion to the Verizon unlimited thread, being that we've completely derailed the OP) lol

S5 tap'n