Battery draining after CM4DX


Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Have had this ROM installed for about a month now and can't get the battery to last a full day. Most of the time it takes 4 hours to reach under 40% remaining. GPS & Bluetooth radios are off. WiFi is on all the time since its available unless driving. My cell signal is sketchy 1 or 2 bars or about 96dbm. I'm not a heavy user most of the time. Each time I check to see what has been using the battery it says "Display" most of the time and sometimes I get "Android OS" when the battery dies in about 2 hours, but that is fixed with a reboot.
Things I have tried:
Battery pull with cache wipe full charge.
Display settings constantly dimmed. This barely made a noticeable change which is odd to me.
CPU set to 300/800 with ondemand.
Screen time out set to 15 seconds.
No live wallpaper.
Syncs set to an hour.

Any thoughts?
I just noticed that over there. I need to pay attention to the forum that has the support for the ROM!
Now I need to charge my phone so I can actually do the update. Also saw they have a new app for ROM updating. Need to try it out and see how it does.