Battery drawing for no apparent reason?

Uhhhh what? When you're using the device it's going to use power.
I'm suddenly seeing my battery drain much quicker

Just within the last few days the battery on my DINC is draining at a rate I have never seen before. I haven't added any new apps. Anybody else besides Danny71?
Try clearing cache on the whole phone...
Rooted? Go into recovery
Not rooted? Go get a cache cleaner in the market

Than reboot phone when done, if it didn't help, than try getting a new battery

Motorola Droid 2: MIUI 2.2.4 B2
Try clearing cache on the whole phone...
Rooted? Go into recovery
Not rooted? Go get a cache cleaner in the market

Than reboot phone when done, if it didn't help, than try getting a new battery

Motorola Droid 2: MIUI 2.2.4 B2

Thanks, I downloaded a cache cleaner and that seems to be taking care of the problem !!