Battery life appears to regenerate after reboot following 2.3.4 update.


Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Central Kansas
Exactly as the title states. Since I got the 2.3.4 update, my battery life is better, if I reboot about halfway through the day.

I have Battery Monitor Widget Pro installed and it shows real time battery percentage remaining at 1% resolution. If I reboot my phone around midday, when my battery % remaining is about 65 - 70%, I instantly gain 20 - 22% after a reboot. It's consistent every day since the 2.3.4 update. If I then use my phone heavily the rest of the day, the percentage will go all the way down to single digits before I plug in for recharge. So it's not like the reading is off after reboot. It also seems completely normal on percentage drain before reboot- not like it's draining any faster than it ever did before.

I had a guy at work reboot his and it gained only 5%.

Can anyone else confirm this on their phone? Kind of liking the fact I can reboot for extra battery life.

Sent from my DROID X2
Ah, but is the battery really "regenerating" or is 2.3.4 just reporting the battery level wrongly after a reboot? The folks over at xda seem to think it's the latter and I tend to agree with them. Even though battery level seems to jump up after a reboot it drops down faster also, before leveling out.
Obviously, it has to be an error in the actual battery status reported, but I can't tell if it's an error before the reboot or after. It doesn't seem to drop off faster after reboot on my phone, nor does it seem to drop faster before reboot. Therefore, overall my battery life per day seems to be a little better with the update.

Sent from my DROID X2