Battery Life - Forever 1.07 or SoaB 1.0?


Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dover, DE
I'm currently running Bamf Forever 1.07 on both my tbolt and my wife's and am wondering if anyone has messed with both soab and forever enough to say which one seems to provide a better battery life?

I have used both and found that, while smooth and flashy, SoaB doesn't have great battery life. I get about 12 hours through my work days while Forever gets around 23/24 usually. This is light use on work days. SoaB is nice though. Adds more Widgets as well as built-in task and notebook (can add as a widget), FB Chat (HTC's version) and a few things. Cuts out CRT animations and Skype ffc doesn't work quite right. Forever, IMO, is better at the point in time.
I went back to Forever 1.07 because I was getting better battery life with it.

Also, I wasn't really impressed with Sense 3.5 I think 3.0 is pretty close to EXACTLY what I want from a GUI.

I also briefly tried Liquid but didn't like it either.

Good 'ol Forever seems to be pretty close to perfect in my book until an ICS mod comes around :)
Me too recently. SoaB v1.02 is out and some people report better life. GUI wise, I liked Sense 3.5. I'm going to flash it and report back in a couple of days for battery life. I do miss the notification tabs like in Forever and CRT animations. When I reflashed Forever it had some connection issues and haven't had such with SoaB with both Stock and Imo kernels. I
Alright, Just as I said, I loaded SoaB v1.02 and I don't know what they did, but it does have great battery life. I love the camera on this. You should give it a try. Working great so far.
I flashed forever 1.08 and really like it other than the battery. I may get 10 hrs. before I have to charge. I also did the battery calibration. Any ideas on better battery life?

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R u using setcpu? I have a profile that turns down CPU just about all the way when my screen turns off. That makes a big difference

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There are settings in bamf forever 1.08. I don't understand how to use them or what the settings should be. Cpu speed, I/O options, plus id like to free up ram. Any idea how? I have on average about 125mb of free ram.

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