Seeking a Battery Saving Kernel


Sep 17, 2010
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I was running stock, battery sucked. I rooted, battery sucked. I flash das BAMF, and am getting tremendous performance and it's a wonderful ROM, but the battery still sucks.

I guess the battery is always going to suck on this phone, and I think that after das BAMF that battery life has gotten slightly better, but I've heard good things about some kernels. What kernel are you running or would you suggest? I think there is enough performance on my phone as it is, I'm just looking to save me a little battery. Thanks!!
Imoseyon's Sense leankernel is what i suggest. His kernels are amazing and I easily get atleast 12 to 15 hours on heavy texting and moderate web browsing.
Imoseyon's Sense leankernel is what i suggest. His kernels are amazing and I easily get atleast 12 to 15 hours on heavy texting and moderate web browsing.

+1 ... just installed this kernel this morning and have noticed a difference. Was running it normal for most of the day and just used the command to switch to battery saver - we'll see how it does for me.

Here is a link for ya: [Kernel] [froyo] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel, v2.5.1 sense 5/16/11 - xda-developers
Imoseyon's Sense leankernel is what i suggest. His kernels are amazing and I easily get atleast 12 to 15 hours on heavy texting and moderate web browsing.

+1 ... just installed this kernel this morning and have noticed a difference. Was running it normal for most of the day and just used the command to switch to battery saver - we'll see how it does for me.

Here is a link for ya: [Kernel] [froyo] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel, v2.5.1 sense 5/16/11 - xda-developers

The 1.92 setting has been really nice to me for the week or so I've been running it

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Ironically the battery saver setting seems to be beating the crap out of my battery life lol

I'll give it a day or two before final judgement ...
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Imoseyon's Sense leankernel is what i suggest. His kernels are amazing and I easily get atleast 12 to 15 hours on heavy texting and moderate web browsing.

+1 ... just installed this kernel this morning and have noticed a difference. Was running it normal for most of the day and just used the command to switch to battery saver - we'll see how it does for me.

Here is a link for ya: [Kernel] [froyo] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel, v2.5.1 sense 5/16/11 - xda-developers

The 1.92 setting has been really nice to me for the week or so I've been running it

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

Anytime I try to go to 1.92 I get random reboots... Is there something else I need to do? Or is it possible my particular phone just can't go that high?
It's cause 3g data is alot more than regular 1x and the displays on all Motorola phones is quality.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Imoseyon's Sense leankernel is what i suggest. His kernels are amazing and I easily get atleast 12 to 15 hours on heavy texting and moderate web browsing.

+1 ... just installed this kernel this morning and have noticed a difference. Was running it normal for most of the day and just used the command to switch to battery saver - we'll see how it does for me.

Here is a link for ya: [Kernel] [froyo] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel, v2.5.1 sense 5/16/11 - xda-developers

Are there any roms that kernel comes stock with
I tried the lean kernel, and I couldn't go online without my tb crashing and rebooting. I didn't try the other governors/settings, I just flashed a recovery. So, I'm back on stock. Any other suggestions? Should I try another setting on lean kernel? How is Adrenylen (sp?)?

This threads just been BAMFed!
I am running Adrenylen's kernel that came with BAMF 1.7 (remix) ... no complaints here. WiFi working, battery life is good and GPS locks almost instantly (no even sure that kernel has anything to do with GPS, but thought I'd throw it out there :D)