battery life on lollipop


Silver Member
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
Moses Lake
Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S8+
Anybody else have worse battery life after upgrading to lollipop? Mine is bad now not playing games either. Just surfing the Web drops fast, in the time it took me to write this thread it dropped like 5%. I thought this lollipop was suppose to make it better Not worse.
Have you tried a factory reset yet? With larger updates like this it's typically advised to do one. That should fix you up.
(Make sure to back up all your important info first. Contacts, pictures, music etc)
Good luck & let us know how you make out.

S5 tap'n
Oh man I was hoping not to have to do hate resetting my phones takes forever to get it back. But I have done the reset we'll see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion
Yeah, we all despise FDRs but it's necessary with large OS updates like this one. Hang in there, you'll have that baby purring right along before much longer.

S5 tap'n
Well that didn't seem to help still dropping percentage unplugged it at about 10:30 and with light use at ll:55 I'm already at 80%. So the rest didn't seem to help. Guess it's something I will have to deal with till the note 5 comes out lol.
Give it a few days. You just started from scratch. All your cache files need to repopulate and things need to settle in. It will get better I can assure you.

S5 tap'n
Well thanks it has gotten better, I can at least now go a whole day with light use on one charge yay. Thanks again for the help.
Battery life is okay. I had 3 hours and 50 minutes of screentime and had 6 percent left. It does seem like the first 10 percent drains faster than it did before