Battery rapidly draining following update to OS


New Member
May 18, 2012
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The past weekend, my droid X (stock, unrooted) automatically updated (now at Around the same time, I noticed that my battery was draining far more rapidly than is normal. Typically it can last 1-2 days of normal use, often even longer. Following this update, it would last 5-6 hours before completely draining, even when sitting idle. When looking at battery usage "android OS" accounts for 98% or so of the usage, something that has never been true in the past. The phone additionally gets warm to the touch. I've tried battery pulling, which made no difference, and flushing the cache, which somehow briefly eliminated the problem for about half a day after which it recurred, and subsequent cache flushing made no difference.

To eliminate the obvious, I have no taskkiller and this is unlikely to be a failing battery as the onset of this problem was very abrupt and correlated with the OS update. Wifi and GPS are not turned on, and with juicedefender installed at aggressive there was no difference in rapid drainage making it unlikely in my mind that some rogue internet, gps or wifi process is at work.

Has anyone seen anything like this before? If so is there some easy solution? Failing that, is there any way for me to further diagnose the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
That sucks man, do you know how to back date the firmware? Tat would be the first thing id do, although of it automatically updated...I'd be storming into the verizon store and getting a new + non refurbished phone. True it's not Verizon who made the phone, but you would think they'd protect the customer base from this kind of crap.
I read somewhere that it was believed to be the camera running in the background on startup when you have high Android OS usage. The fix was to open and then close the stock camera app as soon as you start the phone which exits the camera. I've never had the issue and so never tested it but worth a try.
Do a factory data reset, issues are common when you do a system update without wiping the data because new system data isn't always compatible with your old data. This will cause you to lose all of your contacts + apps so make sure you use backup assistant if you want to restore the contacts afterwards. Google Play Store should automatically restore your apps if you select the option when you first boot the phone.

how to: https://motorola-global-portal.cust...ail/a_id/48517/~/droid-x---factory-data-reset
I'm having the exact same issue with my LG Revolution. (Which is normally crap, yes, but this is really bad.) Is the factory reset the only option to fix this?
Thunderbolt battery drain after May 2012 Firmware update

I have been having the same issue and it is very frustrating. My battery too lasted a wonderful 2 days and immediately after the update at 2am in the morning, my battery was almost drained by 10am later that morning. I may have about 6 hours for the most extended battery out there which is not correct. No processes are running that are any different from before. Curious thing was that yesterday the phone updated in the afternoon, 06/01/2012, with another update from Verizon. I am thinking they made an error in the update somewhere and hope that they fix it. It is making my battery run hot as well like something is continually running.