Battery Research


Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Okay so my phone seems to do... things that other people's droid 4's do not, specifically relating to data and wifi and battery drainage.

So I set up a 3 day test:

DAY ONE: Gummy .9 ICS, NO WIFI, data only.
View attachment 49155
NOTES: Don't hate, I play Tiny Tower when I'm bored.
Data stayed fairly consistent, but towards the end of the day it dropped and I was unable to get it back no matter what I did.

View attachment 49156
Whats weird, is most people report an increase in battery life on wifi. It KILLS my battery. What worse, is the data will still drop somehow and I won't be able to send/receive MMS. Data for things like tiny tower, the browser, play store, all work fine but MMS will REFUSE to go through or download w/o a 3g or 4g connection. I have so far met no one else with this issue; my phone may just be defective. If you have any info or speculation about this PLEASE chime in!

DAY THREE: STOCK ROM Gingerbread, Data/Wifi when needed
I can't take a screenshot for this, so I'll just have to write down what the phone says:

12 hr 31m 27 sec On battery
android 41%
display 25%
Tiny Tower 8%
phone idle 6%
cell standby 5%
hearts 4%
wifi 4%
voice call 3%
FaceBook 3%

So take this info with what you will. I don't know what to make of it yet, but I hope it helps someone. Any advice, ideas, or input is welcome.
Interesting data. Looks like your screen shot from day 2 is the same as day 1 though. Can you re-post your day 2 screen shot?

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You were right. I didn't seen down at the bottom I could switch between the two images when bringing it up on my phone.

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