Battery Swelling

Wow! Sorry, Ghostwheel. :(
It's a good thing you noticed it before something worse happened though
I wholeheartedly agree about the importance of a replaceable battery, if at all possible.
Best of luck!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
After weighing all the options, it's time to retire the Razr Maxx. For not much more than the cost of the new battery, I'm upgrading to a Galaxy S5. First time without a Motorola of some sort for probably eight years or more...
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After weighing all the options, it's time to retire the Razr Maxx. For not much more than the cost of the new battery, I'm upgrading to a Galaxy S5. First time without a Motorola of some sort for probably eight years or more...
I've been all moto as well.. But I'm looking hard at the Sony z2 and the LG g3. Good luck with the S5 :)
My girlfriends son and my xt912 BOTH have had the battery swelling issue. Verizon replaced both for free.
After reading this thread I took the case off my razr maxx and wow! I got the bulge also, so much so that the kevlar backing, at the top near the camera lens has pulled up and you can see a gap.

I sure hope this thing lasts until the Droid turbo comes out. I believe that will be my next phone.

=^ .". ^=
My Razer Maxx has been in service since. May 2012 without so much as a hicup. I charge every night when I go to bed, unplug at 6 am - plug in around 12 midnight with usually around 30-40% left. When traveling I have it plugged into a moto nav doc+ charger. Just thought the board should hear a positive story re the Rmaxx.
I will be buying either the new moto x or droid off contract and hope which ever I buy is as dependable ad this Rmaxx has been.
If I could update to KitKat and "L" on this phone I would just buy new battery from Verizon for $39 when SNF if it ever needed one.
I read somewhere that if you use your phone while it's plugged in to the charger it could damage your phone. I don't know if that is what puffed up my battery but I do this most of the time. My Razr Maxx is almost 30 months old so that long doing something that may harm the phone may be the cause?

Anyone who's battery has puffed up do this, use phone while it's plugged into the charger?

One more question, is the coming Droid Turbo going to have a sealed or removable battery? Anyone know?
The turbo will probably be a sealed battery.. The leak if the back has kevlar like the past Droids (2012-2014).

I have 3 razr Maxx's.. All 3 have been used while charging... And no battery swelling issues.. All 3 still function and hold a charge..
The turbo will probably be a sealed battery.. The leak if the back has kevlar like the past Droids (2012-2014).

I have 3 razr Maxx's.. All 3 have been used while charging... And no battery swelling issues.. All 3 still function and hold a charge..
I believe the Turbo will have a composite back like the kevlar but not actually be kevlar like the Maxx's are.
I took this picture with my replacement Razr Maxx that I bought about a month ago. I still use Mr Bulgie, but only for music I'm too lazy to put on my new Maxx and only with my Blue Tooth ear buds. If I put this phone in my pocket, it's always with the bad side out and some folded copy paper between me and the phone. HOLD KEVLAR, HOOOOOOOOOOLD! :(:p:D:cool:
