Best way to check Yahoo mail on droid?

I guess the mail plus was worth it for me but I can understand people not wanting to pay the money for something that should be included for free
Yahoo mail has terrible support on Android. The new update pushed out by Verizon also seems to not work for many people and if you notice they have a litle * next to their pdf release notes saying that it does not work over wifi.

You can use MailDroid ( which works for yahoo (and any other provider) and yahoo does work over wifi. IMAP support is there as well, so you don't need a plus account.
Anyone have trouble with using llinks in gmail? i get emails with links in them and they are usable in gmail on my desktop however on the phone even though they are purple in color they cannot be clicked?
I guess the mail plus was worth it for me but I can understand people not wanting to pay the money for something that should be included for free
Well, free Yahoo email with 10 minute notify is working for me after power cycle. I can live with that. Thanks again.
I'm still having problems with it saving 1000's of sent messages, and lag time on the receiving end.