Beware scam going around!

its information if you need it take it if not good. Lets not give the op grief for posting information.
Pretty typical scam. Any time you receive anything like this do not use the supplied link. If your Verizon account (or any other account, for that matter) was going to expire you could always go directly to the site to verify.
Thanks for the info...

Why is the OP being given grief? He decided, as a public service, if you will, to post some information that might be of use to us, especially since it involves a scam.

Common sense with ANY email, or text message asking your for login, account, or credit card information, is to ignore it, and report it to the company you have the account with. Any company that you do online business/account activity with will NOT text, or email you asking that you supply log in information. That's all there is to it, and yet, because of this, the OP is given grief, and insulted.

I must get 10 a week claiming they're from various places. Bank of America, Chase, Ebay, PayPal, Wells Fargo. All are fake. I don't even deal with Wells Fargo. Its usually older people who fall for this. Early on I got my mother to understand these were fake and never click on the links and try to log on.

Just for fun sometimes, I'll click on the link and get taken to a very good copy of the actual website. I'll throw some made up information in the log-on and password fields. Then guess what? I'm some how logged in and they're thanking me to verifying my information.

I also forward spam e-mails I get like this to whatever company they're trying to impersonates fraud department.