BIONIC Camera too slow. Any replacement?

Zoom fx is well liked too for speed.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Just downloaded it. Lots of stuff to mess around with... So far it looks pretty good, but I'm having a bit of a time getting clear shots. Is there a particular setting I should have it on?
I have Camerazoom fx paid too. Wasn't happy wither light exposure. Did a comparison with it against the stock bionic camera and found the pics on the stock to better. The zoom fx was faster but I like the clearer better pics.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using DroidForums
Vignette works great. I haven't tried the others mentioned. There are a ton of camera apps out there.. so far, from one's I've used, I'd have to go with Vignette also..
I'm still looking for a good camera app.. I purchased both Vignette and Camerazoom FX. I don't really need all the different effects they come with; I just wanted them for speed. Both are much faster at taking shots than the stock, and I like that I can set it to use the volume rocker as the shooter, but the pics from both just come out so much grainier. And a lot of the time the pics are corrupted and cannot load. Even after saving and reopening them; I can see them when first saved, but when I close out of the folder and go back in, they all of a sudden won't load. Both those apps were the highest rated/recommended.....
I love this forum! I was taking pictures with my Bionic for the first time this weekend and noticed that the pictures were not as great as I figured they should be. And the speed for the shutter was an issue. I was about to make a new thread about this but stumbled on this one. I will try come of the apps that were mentioned above to see if my results come out better. Thanks everyone!
I just downloaded ProCapture. VERY Impressed. Well worth the $3.99. Very happy with how fast it is.