Bionic Connectivity Problems


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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I have had my Bionic for about a year now (verizon) and since I got it, I have always had problems with it connecting to the mobile network. Sometimes it is fine, other times it simply will not connect (which is most of the time). However, if I am connected to wifi everything works perfect. I recently updated the OTA ICS and that seemed to help a little but I still have problems. My wife also has a Bionic and hers seems not to have the same problems as mine. Both are stock phones (non-rooted, etc).

Before the ICS update, I could switch it from 4G to 3G and that seemed to help some. But now I don't see how to go back to 3G (if that is possible??). Here are some of the problems when I am outside a WiFi signal.

1. Facebook never loads, just sits there and spins
2. Basically cannot get any app to work that requires some kind of network
3. Pandora starts playing and then sounds like the chipmunks.

If I restart the phone that sometimes seems to help. Again if I am on Wifi everything is perfect.

Anyone else having these problems or have some suggestions? I am not due for an upgrade until dec13 so would like to figure this out. Thanks.
Thanks for the fast reply, i will try that app. I meant to mention that yes I did do a complete factory reset after the ICS update. Since the wife's phone does not seem to have these same problems it makes me think something internally is wrong with mine. Hers has the ICM update also.
Ah, sorry I thought you said your wifes was also having the problem.

It's a possibility that it is your phone. You can give verizon a call and see if they'll replace your Bionic with another one.